Results (1219)
Cleaning fine washables for picture perfect portraits
Holiday portraits, with family members dressed in their best, are cherished momentos. Whether it's a once-in-lifetime event or a yearly tradition for your family, looking good is the goal.
Portrait-worthy Fabrics
Clothes that are clean and sparkling are the perfect complement to those smiling faces. To make sure your garments are portrait worthy, the American Cleaning Institute…
Whatever type of flooring you have, here are some tips to keep those floors clean and in good shape.
Living/Dining Rooms and Bedrooms serve up different types of challenges. Dust and dirt tracked in on shoes ... spill and stains on carpets and upholstery ... rings on wood surfaces. But here again, there are products that meet the challenges.
Use rugs or mats at all entrances to catch dirt and grit that can build up on floors and carpets.
Choose a soft cotton cloth or paper towel for cleaning glass surfaces. Fabric softener on cleaned cloths can leave a residue; extra…
A stunning 89% of survey respondents think fall cleaning should be a thing, according to a new American Cleaning Institute survey
A new blog post has tips for completing fall’s top cleaning tasks
A new survey from the American Cleaning Institute unveils a surprising trend: fall is becoming the new spring in terms of home cleaning.
An overwhelming 89% of respondents believe that fall…
ACI and Good Housekeeping’s Third Annual Cleaning Summit Takes Place October 26
Register for This Free, Virtual Event at:
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping are coming together again for the 2022 Discover Cleaning Summit: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. Registration is now open for the free, virtual event, which will be held on October…
How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health?
Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow.
In addition, cleaning and…
One of the most important things to remember when dusting is to spray the cleaner onto a cloth or sponge first instead of spraying the furniture directly so that dust doesn’t get airborne. Wipes and other non-spray products also are available. When you dust, start from the highest points in the room and work your way down, so that when the dust falls as you clean, you don’t have to re-dust. Get more dusting tips.
Q: I am worried about germs on my kitchen counters. Is it true that more bleach kills more germs?
A: The only advantage to using more bleach than prescribed is if the surface is soiled. To create a sanitizing solution, it is recommended that you use one tablespoon of EPA-registered unscented liquid bleach per gallon of water. Spread the solution liberally over the countertop. Let stand for at least two minutes and then allow to air-dry. We recommend making up fresh sanitizing…
Q. How important, if at all, do you find frequent handwashing when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in your home?
66% said very important
27% said somewhat important
6% said not very important
1% said not at all important
93% Important (net)
7% Not important (net)
Appliance Maintenance
Q. How familiar, if at all, are you with the manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and maintaining your home appliances, such as your refrigerator, HVAC, or…
The American Cleaning Institute suggests these tips for more sustainable and better living:
Simply Sustainable
Avoid Wasting Product:
Read labels and use the recommended amount of cleaning product.
Use cleaning products until they are finished, to reduce unnecessary waste.
Reduce Water and Energy Used:
Turn off the water tap between tasks.
When doing your laundry or running…