The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)

2022 ACI National Cleaning Survey



Q. How important, if at all, do you find frequent handwashing when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in your home?

66% said very important
27% said somewhat important
6% said not very important
1% said not at all important
93% Important (net)
7% Not important (net)

Appliance Maintenance

Q. How familiar, if at all, are you with the manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and maintaining your home appliances, such as your refrigerator, HVAC, or washer & dryer?

19% said very familiar
46% said somewhat familiar
27% said not very familiar
9% said not at all familiar
64% are familiar (net)
36% are not familiar (net)

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Storing Cleaning Products Safely

Q. Have you ever, even once, kept liquid laundry packets in a place where a child could see or reach them?

10% have kept liquid laundry packets in a place where a child could see or reach them once.
19% have kept liquid laundry packets in a place where a child could see or reach them several times.
71% have never kept liquid laundry packets in a place where a child could see or reach them.

This question was answered by survey respondents who use liquid laundry packets (71% of the 1,005 survey respondents report using them all the time, some of the time, or rarely; the other 29% answered “never”).

Q. When it comes to storing your cleaning products, please rank the following in order of importance, where 1 is most important to you and 4 is least important.

43% say that storage that is safe is the most important aspect when storing cleaning products
25% say that storage that is easily accessible is the most important aspect when storing cleaning products
25% say that storage that fits everything you need is the most important aspect when storing cleaning products
7% say that storage that looks nice is the most important aspect when storing cleaning products

Q. Have you seen posts on social media showing cleaning products or liquid laundry packets in clear jars or containers for decoration?

30% have seen social media posts where cleaning products were stored outside of their original packaging
59% have not seen social media posts where cleaning products were stored outside of their original packaging
11% are not sure if they have seen social media posts where cleaning products were stored outside of their original packaging

Q. Have you ever tried a storage idea for cleaning products you saw online or on social media (i.e., storing products like liquid laundry packets or other cleaning products in glass containers, cabinet organization tips, etc.)?

31% say they have tried a new storage idea for cleaning products that they have seen on social media
37% say they have not tried a new storage idea cleaning products that they have seen on social media but have considered it
32% say they have not tried a new storage idea cleaning products that they have seen on social media

This question was answered by survey respondents who have seen posts on social media showing cleaning products or liquid laundry packets in clear jars or containers for decoration (30% of the 1,005 survey respondents; 59% answered no and 11% answered unsure).

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Spring Cleaning

Q. Which of the following, if any, motivates you to properly clean your house for yourself, family and guests? Select all that apply.

71% care about creating a healthy home environment
69% care about keeping my home free of dirt and grime
68% care about having a clean place for friends and family to gather
52% care about what people will think when they come into my home
4% responded none of the above
1% responded other

Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?

78% engage at least once a year
9% engage every other year
3% engage every three to four years
2% engage less often than every four years
8% never spring clean

The following questions were answered by survey respondents who report that they, or someone in their household, engage in spring cleaning (92% of the 1,005 survey respondents; the other 8% answered “I never spring clean”).

Q. Do you anticipate cleaning and organizing more or less this year as part of your spring cleaning?

46% anticipate cleaning or organizing more than usual this year.
7% anticipate cleaning or organizing less than usual this year.
47% anticipate cleaning or organizing this year the same as in previous years.

Q. Which of the following spaces is your biggest priority when you spring clean? Select all that apply.

64% prioritize their kitchen when spring cleaning
61% prioritize their bedroom(s) when spring cleaning
59% prioritize their bathroom(s) when spring cleaning
46% prioritize their family room when spring cleaning
41% prioritize their closet(s) when spring cleaning
27% prioritize their garage/attic/basement when spring cleaning
2% prioritize another part of their homes when spring cleaning

Q. Which of the following qualities are most important in choosing spring cleaning products? Please rank your three most important qualities.

44% find effectiveness the most important quality.
18% find multi-purpose the most important quality.
12% find cost the most important quality.
7% find time-saving the most important quality.
6% find scent or fragrance the most important quality.
5% find sustainability benefits the most important quality.
4% find brand the most important quality.
4% find convenience the most important quality.

View the Press Release


The survey results listed here are the findings from an Ipsos poll conducted February 16 - 17, 2022 on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute. For the survey, a sample of 1,005 adults ages 18 and over from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii was interviewed online in English. The poll has a credibility interval of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
