Results (1246)
Quick Laundry Tips for the Whole Family
Whether you live to do laundry or it’s your least favorite chore, we’ve all got to do it. These practical tips and decorating tricks will make the laundry one of the simplest chores on your checklist. Now laundry day doesn’t look so bad after all.
1. Take advantage of your alone time
Whether your child is taking a nap or they’re out on the soccer field, take the opportunity to get a few loads done…
A stunning 89% of survey respondents think fall cleaning should be a thing, according to a new American Cleaning Institute survey
A new blog post has tips for completing fall’s top cleaning tasks
A new survey from the American Cleaning Institute unveils a surprising trend: fall is becoming the new spring in terms of home cleaning.
An overwhelming 89% of respondents believe that fall…
Read Press Release
Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
77% Every year
6% Every other year
5% Every few years
3% Less often than every few years
8% I never spring clean
Q. On average, approximately how many days total does your spring cleaning take?
29% One to two days
31% Three to four days
40% Five days or more
Average = 6 days
Q. …
The key to a clean house is finding a system that works for you and your schedule. What worked before you had kids may need some modifications. And empty nesters may have a busier schedule than before the days of carpools and kids sports.
Cluttered Kitchen? Just Say No
It’s tempting to let the dishes "soak" while you relax after dinner, but you have to do them anyway so why wait. Put the dishes in the…
Q: My kids are into making Valentine's Day cards and decorations. It's fun, but it creates a mess – especially the markers and the craft glue! How do I get these stains out of their clothing?
For regular felt-tip markers (those that aren't labeled "permanent"), rinse the stain with cold water until no more color is being removed. Then place the stain face down on some clean paper towels and sponge with rubbing alcohol. Apply the alcohol first to the…
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Set a good example
by washing your
own hands often
and properly.
Teach kids to wash
their hands for at
least 20 seconds,
rinsing and drying
Tell kids when to wash,
such as after using the
bathroom, before eating
and after touching
animals, blowing your
nose, coughing and
Keep alcohol-based
hand sanitizers, gels or
antibacterial wipes on
hand when soap and
water are unavailable.
At Your Finger-Tips
Learning hand…
Once the weather starts to cool, start fresh by cleaning bedding as you get out additional blankets. Here are some tips for giving your beds a slumber-ready cleaning.
Q. How important, if at all, do you find frequent handwashing when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in your home?
66% said very important
27% said somewhat important
6% said not very important
1% said not at all important
93% Important (net)
7% Not important (net)
Appliance Maintenance
Q. How familiar, if at all, are you with the manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and maintaining your home appliances, such as…
Get tips for cleaning your face mask or cloth face covering correctly, as well as when to replace it with a new one.