Results (1315)
It only takes a second – one distraction, one step into the other room – for an accident to happen, for a child, elder person with dementia or a family pet to get a hold of something not meant for them. The American Cleaning Institute reminds parents and caregivers to keep all cleaning products up and out of reach.
You’re changing diapers,…
A stunning 89% of survey respondents think fall cleaning should be a thing, according to a new American Cleaning Institute survey
A new blog post has tips for completing fall’s top cleaning tasks
A new survey from the American Cleaning Institute unveils a surprising trend: fall is becoming the new spring in terms of home cleaning.
An overwhelming 89% of respondents believe that fall…
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
4% said not very prepared
0% said not at all prepared
Q. Now that you are close to the end of your college experience, do you feel prepared to clean on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
3% said not very prepared
1% said not at all prepared
A Guide for Healthy Workspaces
As a business owner, you are not alone in navigating how to best keep your workspace safe and clean. To help, we’ve created the Clean Means Business toolkit offering guidance, adapted from public health recommendations, to ensure a high level of cleanliness. Reinforce confidence among your teams and customers through effective cleaning and disinfecting…
Free, Online Resources Prepare College Students Keeping Clean On and Off Campus
Download the Toolkit:
Do college students know how to clean? The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) aims to answer yes to that question with its brand new Class of Clean: The College Student’s Guide to Cleaning toolkit, which provides concise, step-by-step information and guidance to help keep college kids clean and healthy.
Q: This year my resolution is to do a better job keeping my home clean and organized. Things always get so cluttered once the kids go back to school after the holidays. Do you have tips for how to start the year off on the right foot?
The New Year is a great time to reset your cleaning routines and put some new organizational systems in place. Here are my top five cleaning resolutions:
Make It a Family Project. Assign…
Life's messy. Have a stain you're not sure how to get out?
How to remove stains from clothes:
Deal with it as early as possible. The less time a stain has to soak in, the easier it will be to remove, although there are ways to remove old stains out of clothes as well.
Pre-treat with a stain remover, then let it soak in.
Launder according to the fabric care…
Three in Four Americans Critique the Tidiness of Holiday Gatherings, Says American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Survey
ACI provides resources to help ensure proper cleaning and hand hygiene this holiday season
That extra bit of tidying up before you welcome holiday guests will be worth it. A new survey released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds that 74% of Americans judge the hosts of holiday gatherings on the cleanliness and…
The key to a clean house is finding a system that works for you and your schedule. What worked before you had kids may need some modifications. And empty nesters may have a busier schedule than before the days of carpools and kids sports.
Cluttered Kitchen? Just Say No
It’s tempting to let the dishes "soak" while you relax after dinner, but you have to do them anyway so why wait. Put the dishes in the…