The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1310)

The shelf life of disinfectants is approximately 1 year. The one year of effectiveness typically begins with the manufacture date. The expiration date is there because over time the active ingredient (the chemical doing the advertised action) may degrade. After the expiration date the product may no longer be doing the work you expect it to, so make sure to use the product prior to the expiration date. Anything you could want to know about a product…
Check out the highlights of the 2018 ACI Annual Meeting & Industry Convention in video below, produced by Happi.   The ACI Convention, the cleaning product supply chain’s top global business forum, took place January 29-February 2 at the Grande Lakes Orlando.
Helps Consumers Better Understand How and Why to Recycle Cleaning Product Packaging Part of ACI’s Sustainability Initiative, Striving for All Cleaning Product Packaging to Be Circular The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched a new web page and guide devoted to helping consumers navigate recycling cleaning product packaging. “Close the Loop on Cleaning…
ACI is First Non-Manufacturer Group to Successfully Submit Chemicals for Approval by EPA Safer Choice Program The Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice program approved eight cleaning product ingredients submitted by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) for inclusion in its Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL). The decision marks the first time Safer Choice has approved a SCIL submission by a non-manufacturer. The SCIL is a list…
ACI Connects at AAFCS About Accident Prevention and Supports Student Service Projects! The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI) met with more than 700 family and consumer sciences educators about accident prevention in the home during the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences’ (AAFCS) 108th Annual Conference & Expo.  For 44 years, AAFCS has worked with ACI to share educational messages and information related to the safe and proper…
Interim Co-CEO & General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Senior Vice President, Government Affairs Doug Troutman is responsible for the overall leadership of the legal and government affairs functions for the American Cleaning Institute. This includes engagement and advocacy on ingredient communication, chemical management, product safety and environmental and energy policy issues important to the
SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ON THE FATE OF DETERGENTS IN SEPTIC-TANK SYSTEMS AND OXIDATION PONDS Standard S e r v i c e Agreement No. UCB-Eng-1821 By Stephen A. K l e i n F a c u l t y I n v e s t i g a t o r P. H. McGauhey 1 May 1967 S a n i t a r y Engineering Research Laboratory College of Engineering and School of P u b l i c Health U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a B erkeley SERL Report No. 67 - 1 (Supplement) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES v…
After a cleaning product has been used and goes down the drain, its ingredients become part of your household wastewater and are treated by the same wastewater treatment system that treats the other wastes from your home — before the water reaches groundwater or its receiving streams, lakes, estuaries or oceans. Today’s cleaning products are designed to be compatible with a wide variety of wastewater treatment systems in use…
Senior Director, Stakeholder Communications Kristin DiNicolantonio is the Senior Director, Stakeholder Communications at the American Cleaning Institute. Kristin promotes ACI’s technical and scientific expertise and enhances outreach with a variety of external stakeholder audiences that help echo the cleaning product industry’s commitment to science, safety, health and sustainability. Prior to joining ACI…
CEO Melissa Hockstad, During “State of the Association” Address, Highlights Key Focus Areas for Cleaning Product Supply Chain Sustainability Leadership, 1,4-Dioxane Regulation, Clarity for Topical Antiseptics at ACI Mid-Year Meeting ACI Mid-Year Meeting June 10-12 in Arlington, VA Advocating for a fair and equitable legislative and regulatory environment for the cleaning products industry remains one of the top…