The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1238)

#UnderstandingClean #NationalCleaningWeek 2023 NATIONAL CLEANING WEEK TOOLKIT The fourth Sunday in March kicks off National Cleaning Week, celebrating the beginning of the spring cleaning season. This is a great time to raise awareness about using cleaning products in our homes and communities safely and effectively. The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has declared the theme for this year “Understanding Clean.” Everyone cleans, for many reasons, and…
Cleaning is much more than just a common chore. It is a way we show we care for ourselves and one another, not only for our physical health but also our mental health.   Nearly 9 in 10 Americans (87%) feel their best, both mentally and physically, when they have a clean home yet, 21% of Americans find cleaning tasks overwhelming. Creating regular cleaning routines and finding ways to break down responsibilities can help make cleaning…
Spaghetti sauce splatter on your shirt, wax drips on the table cloth,and wine spots stain the rug, it can and will happen. And why does the bread always fall butter-side down? But, don’t let worrying about a few stains ruin your dinner. ACI has these cleanup tips for after your feast: Tomato Based Stains Remove as much…
There’s nothing more important than the health and well-being of our friends and family, especially those who can’t always care for themselves. Learn about cleaning product safety.
I Ilt I I PB-301 r93 1Ti :;il ii{ HUIVIAN SAFETY Al\lD ENVI RONIVIINTAL ASPEETS OF IIAJOR SURFACTANTS A Reponr To THe SOAP Al,lD DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ['lsv 31, 1977 ,l ''lÌ il ,.', , ,":,*ü--i,ffi,1p¡ê! Anhur D Litttet\,o., Thls report 1s rendered upon the condition that it 1s not to be reproduced ln whoLe or Ln part for adverËlsing purposes wlthout the speclal perrisslon in wrlting of Arthur D. LittLe, Inc. This report was prepared by Arthur D.…
ENVIRONMENTAL FATE AND EFFECTS OF CLEANING PRODUCT INGREDIENTS IN GRAYWATER The Soap and Detergent Association New York, New York 10018 Prepared by Roy F. Weston, Inc. Fate and Effect Laboratory 254 Welsh Pool Road Lionville, Pennsylvania 19341 February 1998 Work Order No. 05821-005-002 SDA\SDARevised\GW100897.doc ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE…
Just because something looks clean, it doesn’t mean it is clean. Take appliances, for example. You can’t see germs like Salmonella or E.coli, but they could be hiding in plain sight, particularly where you do your cooking and store your food.
ACI Convention Charity Events to Benefit "Clean the World" Clean the World Recycles Soaps, Hygiene Products, Provides Much Needed Resources to Communities in Need 2018 ACI Convention to Feature Charity Duck Race, Golf Tourney, Hygiene Kit Washington, D.C. – October 31, 2017 – Clean the World, a leader in global health which recycles discarded hygiene products and distributes them to children and families in need, will be the…
21 January 2021 Emily Dominiak Project Lead Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-7253 (via email: RE: 1,4-Dioxane Limits for Household Cleansing, Personal Care, and Cosmetic Products Dear Ms. Dominiak: The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI)1 is pleased to provide the following comments regarding New York State Department of Environmental…
If you are caring for a loved one with cancer, you’re dealing with a lot already. It can be easy to fall behind on some of the everyday tasks like cleaning. However, cleaning plays an important role in health. If a patient is undergoing chemotherapy, it can weaken the body’s immune system and make them more susceptible to other illnesses. A clean space can also provide a place of calm and control during a chaotic time. Here are some things to…