The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1256)

Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. Follow these cleaning tips and cleaning advice to safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, so that you can stay healthy, care for your home and make your surroundings more enjoyable. Where We Clean Get quick cleaning
American Cleaning Institute Highlights Important Reminders for National Baby Safety Month Visit For Key Safety Tips This National Baby Safety Month, as parents grapple with the continued stress and distractions caused by pandemic parenting, remote working and lack of child care options, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) urges families to remain mindful of important baby and toddler safety habits when it comes to…
Whether you're just getting started or are experienced at cleaning, we have advice for you. Get all the cleaning basics, room by room guides or get your laundry and dishwashing questions answered. Whether you are doing some spring cleaning or getting ready for the holidays, we can help. Here are some cleaning guides that may help…
Q. When it comes to storing your cleaning products, please rank the following in order of importance, with the option that you place at the top being the most important. Of all participants in 2023 who use liquid laundry packets 83% say that storage that is safe is the most important aspect when storing cleaning products. 89% say that storage that is easily accessible is the most important aspect when storing cleaning
Key Information for Caregivers: As With Any Household Cleaning Product, Safe Use and Storage of Laundry Packets is Essential Safety Tips Available on ACI Website: Detergent Manufacturers Are Fully Committed to Reducing Incidents Related to Laundry Packets Companies Have Made Significant Changes to the Products and Packaging More than 99% of Liquid
New research shows 36% of Americans believe they can enhance their laundry space with decorative jars or containers Practice puts Americans at risk for unintentional poisonings, says American Cleaning Institute Important reminders ahead of National Poison Prevention Week Americans are swapping safety for style and are ditching their cleaning products original containers for a laundry room makeover. New research from the…
Forget about the good old days, when Monday was Laundry Day, ironing was an art form, and Grandma starched the sheets. Today, we're lucky to find time to fit meals in, let alone dedicating hours to caring for our clothes.If you're like most people, your fabric care is done on an "as needed" basis — battling spills, smells, and wrinkles as you prepare to face tomorrow. Thankfully, innovations in fabric care products are keeping pace with our hectic lives.…
Social media landscape audit of liquid laundry packets from 2019 – 2022: There have been over 3.2M mentions related to liquid laundry packets. Of the 3.2M mentions, 798.7k posts about liquid laundry packets mentioned un-safe storage practices 465.5k of posts included images of un-safe storage practices Only 63.5k (8%) posts made the connection between laundry room storage practices and child safety Distribution…
These are the products designed to work in the laundry process to provide additional benefits.
Don't be the messy roommate! Along with moving into a dorm room comes the need to keep it clean. Learn the basics, from a step-by-step guide on laundry to cleaning for infection prevention to stay healthy this school year. Get the Toolkit…