Results (1254)
Writing letters, arts and crafts, homework, making a grocery list … it doesn’t really matter how it got there. But if you take a close look around, you’re bound to find pen, marker, pencil or crayon markings on walls, desks, tables and furniture. Here’s how to remove those stains on a variety of surfaces.
Painted Walls and Painted Wood Furniture
Test the washability of the surface by first washing an inconspicuous area. Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose…
Living/Dining Rooms and Bedrooms serve up different types of challenges. Dust and dirt tracked in on shoes ... spill and stains on carpets and upholstery ... rings on wood surfaces. But here again, there are products that meet the challenges.
Use rugs or mats at all entrances to catch dirt and grit that can build up on floors and carpets.
Choose a soft cotton cloth or paper towel for cleaning glass surfaces. Fabric softener on cleaned cloths can leave a…
If you or your child have allergies or asthma, you already know that many things can bring on, or "trigger," an asthma flare or episode. Some things that trigger asthma attacks are called allergens. Some people get symptoms from only one allergen - like dust mites. For other people, more than one kind of allergen can trigger an episode.
Tobacco smoke is an asthma trigger. Avoid smoking in a home where a person with asthma lives.
Don't be the messy roommate! Along with moving into a dorm room comes the need to keep it clean. Learn the basics, from a step-by-step guide on laundry to cleaning for infection prevention to stay healthy this school year.
Get the Toolkit
Move In Checklist…
However long it takes you, ACI has a few suggestions for addressing the ABCs of spring cleaning.
A is for Asthma and Allergy Triggers
During this challenging winter, many of us were snowed in with our pets whose dander is one of the most common triggers. Compound that with a few months of everyday dust and the tiniest unwelcome guests who seek shelter in our homes during cold weather, and it’s time to do away with the "A."
Have an allergen control plan. Clean one…
This independent consumer research study was completed in January/February 2008, on behalf of The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA), by International Communications Research (ICR).
Do you regularly engage in spring cleaning?
This survey question was asked of 1,013 American adults (507 men and 506 women) and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.
Yes (77%)
No (23%)
The number of spring cleaners is up. In polls taken in 2002 and 2007…
Q. My New Year’s resolution is to stop smoking. But how can I make my rugs, furniture and draperies stop smelling like cigarettes?
A. Open up the windows and let the fresh air in. For items like throw blankets, pillow covers and curtains that can be laundered, wash them or take them to the drycleaners. Vacuum the floor and carpet, window treatments, upholstery and lamp shades. Then spray fabric refresher on all the fabric surfaces. Smooth surfaces, such as…
Cleaning can lead to a lot of questions and we’re here to help. Here are answers to some of the questions we’ve gotten. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Check out our stain guide, surface cleaning guide and other home cleaning resources. In addition, get the latest tips and advice from our Cleaning Is Caring blog! If you have an idea for a question you think we should add to this list, please submit…