The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1257)

As dishes are cleared from tables in millions of homes this Thanksgiving, those celebrating can save a significant amount of water by scraping their dishes instead of rinsing them before they are put into the dishwasher. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) and American Cleaning Institute (ACI) are asking consumers to take this simple step to conserve water and create a more sustainable Thanksgiving. “Nearly 90 million households across the U.S. have…
Germ Reduction in Schools Focus of Lunch and Learn Webinar Resources, Recording and Additional Webinars Available Online ACI’s second Lunch and Learn Webinar, Germ Reduction and Disease Prevention in Schools: Healthy Schools, Healthy People, It’s a SNAP on August 9, shared tips and resources to help educators and school nurses reduce germs at school and improve student health. Good hand hygiene behavior can help students stay healthy and in school…
How to wash dishes by hand: Prep - scrape off food Fill - get some clean, hot, soapy water Wash - scrub them, under the water Rinse - wash off all suds and residue Dry - air dry or towel dry There are two common ways to hand wash dishes: by "diluting" dish detergent in a sink or dishpan filled with water, or by squirting detergent directly onto a sponge or the dirty dish (called the "neat" method). Whichever dishwashing method you choose,…
Whether your grill is the centerpiece of an outdoor kitchen or a small hibachi, a clean grill just works better. With a few tools and a little work, you’ll be ready to barbeque again. It’s always helpful to check the owner's manual for specific instructions on cleaning your grill.  After Each Use The key to a clean grill is to be diligent about cleaning it immediately after each use, rather than waiting until you’re ready to start cooking.…
We are sharing cleaning tips and answering your cleaning questions, so connect with us and join the conversation! Facebook - Like the ACI Facebook page to stay informed about our activities, learn about future materials or just to learn more about us. LinkedIn - Follow ACI on LinkedIn and stay up-to-date on company news, career opportunities or industry trends. Twitter - Tweets about ACI news, events and consumer…
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. As an industry, we are striving to optimize use of our planet’s resources across all phases of a product’s lifecycle. In order to achieve this, we must pay particular attention to the water and energy we use and the waste we generate as a result of creating cleaning products. The product packaging is critical in allowing your cleaning
Quick Laundry Tips for the Whole Family Whether you live to do laundry or it’s your least favorite chore, we’ve all got to do it. These practical tips and decorating tricks will make the laundry one of the simplest chores on your checklist. Now laundry day doesn’t look so bad after all. 1. Take advantage of your alone time Whether your child is taking a nap or they’re out on the soccer field, take the opportunity to get a few loads done…
A stunning 89% of survey respondents think fall cleaning should be a thing, according to a new American Cleaning Institute survey A new blog post has tips for completing fall’s top cleaning tasks A new survey from the American Cleaning Institute unveils a surprising trend: fall is becoming the new spring in terms of home cleaning. An overwhelming 89% of respondents believe that fall…
Q: My kids are into making Valentine's Day cards and decorations. It's fun, but it creates a mess – especially the markers and the craft glue! How do I get these stains out of their clothing? For regular felt-tip markers (those that aren't labeled "permanent"), rinse the stain with cold water until no more color is being removed. Then place the stain face down on some clean paper towels and sponge with rubbing alcohol. Apply the alcohol first to the…