The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1210)

Washington, D.C. – November 13, 2018 – On average, Americans spend approximately six hours per week cleaning their homes, with more than a quarter (28 percent) spending over seven hours straightening up.  However, roughly a third of us are concerned if it’s enough and if we’re cleaning correctly, according to survey results compiled by the American Cleaning Institute.  2018 ACI National Cleaning
ACI makes appeal to Pinterest to help promote safe liquid laundry packet storage: “Safety Over Style” View Pinterest Advertisements Learn More About ACI’s Store Not Décor Efforts The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is urging popular social media platforms to help combat the spread of unsafe cleaning product storage trends that can put families at risk. ACI’s initial appeal is to Pinterest due to the large number of potentially hazardous laundry room home…
American Cleaning Institute, Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly unveil home safety guide Survey Finds Nearly a Third of Americans Have Seen Unsafe Storage on Social Media In honor of Baby Safety Month in September, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly are teaming up to help parents create safe and child-friendly spaces in all areas of the home. The ACI Packets Up! campaign emphasizes the importance of proper laundry…
American Cleaning Institute® Unveils PACKETS UP!™ Initiative to Further Educate Parents On Laundry Safety New microsite provides survey insights and educational assets for parents and parent educators WASHINGTON, D.C., September 19, 2017 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is launching PACKETS UP!, a consumer education initiative with fashion critic and mom of two, Zanna Roberts Rassi, as part of its ongoing effort to help reduce the number of…
Washington, D.C. – March 12, 2019 – According to a recent survey by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), more than 75 percent of American households participate in the annual ritual of spring cleaning. While the primary reasons cited for spring cleaning are to reduce clutter, remove asthma or allergy triggers and prevent the spread of illness, the Packets Up! campaign urges parents and caregivers to consider one additional reason –…
Data: Spring Cleaning Concerns, Priorities and Reasons Why People Don’t Spring Clean; Plus ACI’s Five-Step Plan for Easy Spring Cleaning 2020 ACI National Cleaning Survey Topline Springtime Results: 78% of Households Spring Clean Every Year, Prioritizing Bedrooms, Closets, Kitchens & Family Rooms 78% of Adults Agree that on a Typical Day, They'd Like Their Homes to be Cleaner Dirtiest Spots:…
Handwashing Q. How important, if at all, do you find frequent handwashing when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in your home? 66% said very important 27% said somewhat important 6% said not very important 1% said not at all important 93% Important (net) 7% Not important (net) Appliance Maintenance Q. How familiar, if at all, are you with the manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and maintaining your home appliances, such as your refrigerator, HVAC, or…
Dishwashing is necessary to keep a kitchen clean and plates and silverware safe to use. While some pans and platters need to be washed by hand, the automatic dishwasher has made it much easier to complete this task. Whether it’s time to wash a sink full of dishes or just a few items, our fact sheet and expert advice will help you get the job done. You will want to use a dishwashing detergent with effective cleaning performance regardless of the brand…