The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1199)

Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers.…
,'.. " ... \;'; ." ",',r, ,', ~:.- " "".'." ' ~ .. , i', ~' , " AN INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER .. ',;" :' ,'" .,- ...- '.'. ~,'-- CONTAMINATION FROM AN ONSITE SEWAGE ::, i " 1, DISPOSAL SYSTEM (OSDS) AT A SINGLE FAMILY HOME IN FLORIDA " ..'. . , ,-,' , ) . , , · , · '".' ' . Phase 3 Status Report Prepared for: , ,'. ~ THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ., 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 .. , ':' , " ,- l Prepared by: , ''... OWEN…
This independent consumer research study was completed in January/February 2008, on behalf of The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA), by International Communications Research (ICR). Do you regularly engage in spring cleaning? This survey question was asked of 1,013 American adults (507 men and 506 women) and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent. Results: Yes (77%) No (23%) Insights: The number of spring cleaners is up. In polls taken in 2002 and 2007…
When it comes to healthy eating, making smart food choices is just one-half of the equation. The other half is using safe procedures for food preparation, serving and storage. Food that is mishandled can lead to foodborne illnesses. And because bacteria are everywhere, cleanliness is a major factor in preventing foodborne illness. There are Four Steps for Food Safety – Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill: Clean Wash your hands. To do the job properly, wet hands with warm, running water. Then…
Handwashing Q. How important, if at all, do you find frequent handwashing when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in your home? 66% said very important 27% said somewhat important 6% said not very important 1% said not at all important 93% Important (net) 7% Not important (net) Appliance Maintenance Q. How familiar, if at all, are you with the manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and maintaining your home appliances, such as your refrigerator, HVAC, or…
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in your home after flooding is a major undertaking. It is important that it be done right to prevent further damage to the property and help prevent illness. Choosing and using the right cleaning product for the job is critical. Keeping cleaning products in a secure location after a flood and during cleaning is crucial. From torrential downpours to broken pipes to leaky…
Set a good example by washing your own hands often and properly. Teach kids to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, rinsing and drying completely. Tell kids when to wash, such as after using the bathroom, before eating and after touching animals, blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing. Keep alcohol-based hand sanitizers, gels or antibacterial wipes on hand when soap and water are unavailable. 222 111 555 At Your Finger-Tips Learning hand…
Once the weather starts to cool, start fresh by cleaning bedding as you get out additional blankets. Here are some tips for giving your beds a slumber-ready cleaning.
Get tips for cleaning your face mask or cloth face covering correctly, as well as when to replace it with a new one.
Online Campaign Features Daily Reminders on Proper Cleaning and Hygiene in the Age of COVID-19 #SafeAndCleanAtHome Hashtag Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Safe and Clean at Home initiative, featuring daily cleaning challenges, tips and ideas to help all of us to clean smart while we’re spending so much more time around the house. You can find the daily #…