Results (1208)
Spring Means Clean for more than 3 in 4 Americans, as 76% of Households Spring Clean Every Year (up from 72% from 2013)
91% Spring Clean at Least Every Few Years (up from 81% in 2013)
58% of Americans Choose Spring to Deep Clean Their Homes
Millennials Deep Clean Their Homes More Often Than Boomers and Gen Xers
In-depth results available here
Washington, D.C. – March 29, 2018 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released its 2018 National Cleaning…
May 22, 2020
Sent Electronically
CDR Chad Dowell
Deputy Associate Director for Emergency Preparedness and Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Ms. Sherri A McGarry
Senior Health Scientist, CDC Liaison Food Safety
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dear CDR Dowell and Ms. McGarry:
As the collective organizations representing the food, agriculture and consumer packaged goods (CPG)
supply chain, we…
It only takes a second – one distraction, one step into the other room – for an accident to happen, for a child, elder person with dementia or a family pet to get a hold of something not meant for them. The American Cleaning Institute reminds parents and caregivers to keep all cleaning products up and out of reach.
You’re changing diapers,…
More than Half of Americans Reporting an Increase in Cleaning Behaviors are Parents
Findings Support Continued “Cleaning is Caring” Trend to Protect Loved Ones Through Proper Cleaning and Hygiene Practices
Read the Survey Results
New data from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds a majority of parents report they will clean more through this year’s cold and flu season based on what they’ve learned from the COVID-19…
People don't typically dispose of cleaning products - they use them up. Empty packages can then be recycled or discarded with other household waste. Unused amounts of cleaning products can generally be safely disposed of down the drain or in the trash. That's not the case with all products found around the home. For those products that do require special handling, such as solvent-based paints, used motor oil and certain pesticides,…
A stunning 89% of survey respondents think fall cleaning should be a thing, according to a new American Cleaning Institute survey
A new blog post has tips for completing fall’s top cleaning tasks
A new survey from the American Cleaning Institute unveils a surprising trend: fall is becoming the new spring in terms of home cleaning.
An overwhelming 89% of respondents believe that fall…
President Donald Trump
The White House
Hon. Kay Ivey
State of Alabama
Hon. Mike Dunleavy
State of Alaska
Hon. Doug Ducey
State of Arizona
Hon. Asa Hutchinson
State of Arkansas
Hon. Gavin Newsom
State of California
Hon. Jared Polis
State of Colorado
Hon. Ned Lamont
State of Connecticut
Hon. John Carney
State of Delaware
Hon. Ron…
For spring cleaning, plan your work, then work your plan. You can tackle your spring cleaning checklist quickly, all at once or in smaller chunks of time. Each of the tasks on our list takes just a few minutes, so you can decide how to break it up.
Prep for Spring Cleaning Day(s):
Inventory your supplies and add what’s missing to your grocery list
Make a…
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own?
28% said completely prepared
35% said very prepared
28% said somewhat prepared
6% said not very prepared
3% said not at all prepared
Q. Which of the following, if any, are preventing you from keeping your dorm or room clean?
53% said lack of motivation
50% said lack of time
19% said roommate(s) get in the way
15% said they don’t have the cleaning…
Q: This holiday season, I’ll be hosting several overnight guests from out of town. Do you have any tips for getting my home and guest room ready?
Having guests for the holidays is a great excuse to spruce up your home. Focus first on the bedrooms, bathrooms, and other shared spaces. Here are my top ten tips for preparing your home for guests.
Put mats and throw rugs in all entryways. This will help prevent…