The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1259)

74% of Americans rinse their dishes all or most of the time before loading the dishwasher unnecessarilyOnly 46% of U.S. households wash laundry in cold water most of the time, even though it saves energy and moneySustainable cleaning tips are available at released survey data from the American Cleaning Institute shows that Americans have more to learn when it comes to…
The ingredients in your cleaning products fall into several different categories, added to provide different characteristics and cleaning functions. Each product formula is a careful balance of various ingredients that will work best for what you are trying to clean. For more information about the specific ingredients in a cleaning product, visit the manufacturer's website or look for the product in SmartLabel…
Class of Clean provides concise, step-by-step information and guidance to help keep college kids clean and healthy Award Recognizes Best Public Relations One-Time Campaign The American Cleaning Institute has been honored as a 2023 Clarion Award winner, presented by the Association for Women in Communications. From the Classroom to a Clean Room – ACI’s Class of Clean was recognized as Best Public Relations One-Time Campaign – Annual Budget of $10,000 or more. “ACI’s…
American Cleaning Institute Launches the Packets Up! Challenge Calls on Parents, Caregivers to Keep Laundry Products in Their Original Container Urges Pinterest, Other Social Platform Users Not to Promote Unsafe Storage Trends New research from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds nearly 13% of Americans are not storing liquid laundry packets in their original child resistant containers. A simple search on popular…
For spring cleaning, plan your work, then work your plan. You can tackle your spring cleaning checklist quickly, all at once or in smaller chunks of time. Each of the tasks on our list takes just a few minutes, so you can decide how to break it up. Prep for Spring Cleaning Day(s): Inventory your supplies and add what’s missing to your grocery list Make a to-do list for what you want to clean, then divide it up by task or room Window…
Q. Is it safe to use empty containers of laundry detergents and other cleaning products for arts and crafts projects now that it’s too cold for my kids to play outside? A. Cleaning product containers are not toys. We encourage parents and teachers to keep cleaning products out of reach of children and pets. So, using cleaning product containers for crafts could send a mixed message to children.
Handwashing Q. How important, if at all, do you find frequent handwashing when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in your home? 66% said very important 27% said somewhat important 6% said not very important 1% said not at all important 93% Important (net) 7% Not important (net) Appliance Maintenance Q. How familiar, if at all, are you with the manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and maintaining your home appliances, such as your refrigerator, HVAC, or…
When living with young children and babies, creating a safe and functional home often requires careful consideration. This is especially important in high-risk areas of the home, such as the laundry room, medicine cabinet and sleeping spaces. To help you achieve this, we’ve collaborated with organization and child safety experts to share insights on creating a safe home, no matter the size. Whether you’re reorganizing, revamping or preparing to bring a new baby home, this…
Sustainable CleaningQ. Approximately what percentage of the time do you do laundry in cold water?54% said Less than 50%46% said More than 50%Q. How often do you rinse dishes in the sink before loading them in the dishwasher?52% said all the time.22% said most of the time.11% said some of the time.6% said rarely.9% said never.Laundry SafetyQ. Do you agree with the following statement? Storing laundry products in decorative jars or containers…
Social Media Blogs, Videos Portray Unsafe Use of Cleaning Products The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following safety reminder in the wake of news reports on social media videos portraying individuals ingesting powder detergents and additives: “Powdered detergent and additives are only intended to clean clothes and other surfaces and have been safely used by consumers for decades. “Although safe when used as directed, the intentional misuse…