The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (191)

Antimicrobials Kruszewski, F.H. and Krowka, J.F. 2011
February 27, 2019
The following questions were asked of 1,015 Generation Y adults (501 men and 514 women ages 18-29). The independent consumer research study was completed by Echo Research March 2-6, 2011, on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent. Which of the following best describes your current living arrangements? Live with at least one other person (76%) Spouse or significant other (28%) Parents (19%) Roommates –…
December 6, 2018
Kittitas Secondary School – FCCLA Chapter Receives "Healthy Schools, Healthy People" National Award Honor Given by American Cleaning Institute, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) A group of Kittitas (WA) students who used their school mascot Paws to help teach their classmates about good hand hygiene behaviors are the recipients of the 2018 "Healthy Schools, Healthy People, It’s a SNAP" National Award.  SNAP Award…
May 6, 2019
Washington, D.C. – January 12, 2018 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following statement in response to a disturbing trend on the Internet that, through blog posts, "memes," and videos, irresponsibly encourages people to eat or bite into liquid laundry packets: "Liquid laundry packets are only for use in the washing machine to clean clothes. Millions of consumers use these products properly and safely every day. "It is important to…
February 4, 2019
Consumers Maintain Higher Use of Hand Sanitizers, Disinfectants One Year Later Survey Provides Insights on Potential Shifts in Cleaning Behaviors for the Future Key Survey Data Available Here A year after the start of the coronavirus pandemic, cleaning practices are still front-and-center for a strong majority of Americans, according to survey data released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). A national online consumer survey conducted by…
March 16, 2021
Agency Considers New Regulatory Category for Key Germ Killing Ingredients ACI: FDA May Be Taking “Restrictive Approach” Towards Active Ingredients The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) submitted in-depth data and information to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update the agency’s review of germ-killing antiseptic hand cleaning products that are widely used in commercial food handling settings.    In July 22 comments submitted to FDA, ACI recommended that the agency…
July 24, 2019
Free Webinar for Parents and Teachers on December 8, 2020 at Noon EST The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is partnering with the National Parent Teachers Association (PTA) to sponsor and moderate a December 8 panel discussion on the challenges schools and families are facing this school year when it comes to staying safe and healthy—and also cleaning, disinfecting and hand hygiene best practices, with actionable advice for school staff and parents. During the National PTA…
December 2, 2020
More than Half of Americans Reporting an Increase in Cleaning Behaviors are Parents Findings Support Continued “Cleaning is Caring” Trend to Protect Loved Ones Through Proper Cleaning and Hygiene Practices Read the Survey Results New data from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds a majority of parents report they will clean more through this year’s cold and flu season based on what they’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, 16-percentage points higher than non-parents. In what many…
October 25, 2021
Data: Spring Cleaning Concerns, Priorities and Reasons Why People Don’t Spring Clean; Plus ACI’s Five-Step Plan for Easy Spring Cleaning 2020 ACI National Cleaning Survey Topline Springtime Results: 78% of Households Spring Clean Every Year, Prioritizing Bedrooms, Closets, Kitchens & Family Rooms 78% of Adults Agree that on a Typical Day, They'd Like Their Homes to be Cleaner Dirtiest Spots: Windows, Floors, Toilets, Shelves Summary of Key Stats Available…
March 3, 2020
As dishes are cleared from tables in millions of homes this Thanksgiving, those celebrating can save a significant amount of water by scraping their dishes instead of rinsing them before they are put into the dishwasher. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) and American Cleaning Institute (ACI) are asking consumers to take this simple step to conserve water and create a more sustainable Thanksgiving. “Nearly 90 million households across the U.S. have…
November 20, 2022