Results (83)
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
4% said not very prepared
0% said not at all prepared
Q. Now that you are close to the end of your college experience, do you feel prepared to clean on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
3% said not very prepared
1% said not at all prepared
ACI member sustainability challenge contributes to nonprofit bringing clean water into underserved communities
For the third year in a row, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) led social media challenge, ‘Our Future is Clean,’ highlighted the sustainability efforts across the cleaning products industry. The challenge kicked off with the launch of the 2024 ACI Sustainability Report and ran through the month of October.
ACI introduces the Class of Clean: Senior Year with New Resources and Tools to Prepare for Life After Graduation
Review Survey Findings Here
Download the toolkit:
Nearly 7 out of 10 college seniors (68%) said they felt no more prepared to clean as seniors as they did when they were freshmen, according to a new survey from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). These findings show that seniors still…
Sustainable CleaningQ. Approximately what percentage of the time do you do laundry in cold water?54% said Less than 50%46% said More than 50%Q. How often do you rinse dishes in the sink before loading them in the dishwasher?52% said all the time.22% said most of the time.11% said some of the time.6% said rarely.9% said never.Laundry SafetyQ. Do you agree with the following statement? Storing laundry products in decorative jars or containers enhances a laundry space.16% said "Strongly agree…
A stunning 89% of survey respondents think fall cleaning should be a thing, according to a new American Cleaning Institute survey
A new blog post has tips for completing fall’s top cleaning tasks
A new survey from the American Cleaning Institute unveils a surprising trend: fall is becoming the new spring in terms of home cleaning.
An overwhelming 89% of respondents believe that fall cleaning…
Cleaning is much more than just a common chore. It is a way we show we care for ourselves and one another, not only for our physical health but also our mental health.
Nearly 9 in 10 Americans (87%) feel their best, both mentally and physically, when they have a clean home yet, 21% of Americans find cleaning tasks overwhelming. Creating regular cleaning routines and finding ways to break down responsibilities can…
Author Paul Gibbons to Speak at 2024 Convention SessionJanuary 30 Session: Getting a Grip on AI: Understanding the Risks, and Putting it to Work in Your CareerACI Convention Set for January 27-31, 2025, Orlando, FLAt the 2025 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Industry Convention, join ACI’s Future Leaders Group to explore the potential that artificial intelligence (AI) represents -- and the risks associated with the technology that we must manage as citizens, parents, workers…
American Cleaning Institute, Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly unveil home safety guide
Survey Finds Nearly a Third of Americans Have Seen Unsafe Storage on Social Media
In honor of Baby Safety Month in September, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly are teaming up to help parents create safe and child-friendly spaces in all areas of the home.
The ACI Packets Up! campaign emphasizes the importance of proper laundry…
American Cleaning Institute Unveils Cleaning for Mental Health webpage
ACI Partners with Psychologist Dr. Joy - Host of Therapy for Black Girls on Instagram - During Mental Health Awareness Month
During Mental Health Awareness Month this May, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is sparking the conversation on the connection between cleaning and mental well-being.
In light of recent survey results, which found that nearly…
Most Dreaded Tasks: Cleaning Hard to Reach, Filthy Spots
80% Would Rather Spring Clean than Fill Out Tax Forms! View the Survey Results
Checkout American Cleaning Institute’s Spring Cleaning Guide
ACI Launches its TikTok Channel Featuring Cleaning Tips and Tricks
Spring cleaning is a top priority for more Americans than ever, according to new consumer data released by the American …