Results (45)
Stains happen.
Despite taking precautions, stains can happen. ACI has two new videos with simple steps for removing pine sap and chocolate stains from your clothes!
If you have ever had clothes come in contact with pine sap, you know how difficult it is to remove the stain. Click here to watch a short video to learn how you can easily remove it.
With spring right around the corner and the…
Key Information for Caregivers: As With Any Household Cleaning Product, Safe Use and Storage of Laundry Packets is Essential
Safety Tips Available on ACI Website:
Detergent Manufacturers Are Fully Committed to Reducing Incidents Related to Laundry Packets
Companies Have Made Significant Changes to the Products and Packaging
More than 99% of Liquid …
PACKETS UP! Campaign is introduced
Safety First with Home Made Cleaners
Resources, Recording and Additional Webinars Available Online
ACI’s first Lunch and Learn Webinar, Advancing Awareness of Accident Prevention in the Home on July 19, reminded parents to keep laundry packets up and out of the reach of children. Attendees learned about shareable tips and messages to help families safely use…
The American Cleaning Institute knows that many families affected by Hurricane Harvey are suffering and families will continue to be impacted by the flooding. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the devastation.
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in your home after a flood is a major undertaking. It is important that it be done right to prevent further damage to the property and help prevent illness. Choosing and using the right…
American Cleaning Institute® Unveils PACKETS UP!™ Initiative to Further Educate Parents On Laundry Safety
New microsite provides survey insights and educational assets for parents and parent educators
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 19, 2017 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is launching PACKETS UP!, a consumer education initiative with fashion critic and mom of two, Zanna Roberts Rassi, as part of its ongoing effort to help reduce…
ACI conducted a national survey in 2017 among 1,000 parents and caregivers, half with children under the age of 4, which gathered insights about current laundry safety habits among parents with young children. While highlighting positive behaviors to prevent accidental exposures, the findings also point to a need for further education.
Below are the results from the survey:
43% of families with children under the age of four reported that their children can see liquid…
Detergent Manufacturers Are Fully Committed to Reducing Incidents Related to Laundry Packets
Companies Have Made Significant Changes to the Products and Packaging
99+% of Liquid Laundry Packets Being Shipped in Compliance With New ASTM Safety Standard
Study analyzed data prior to publication of safety standard
As With Any Household Product, Safe Use and Storage of Laundry Packets is Key
The American Cleaning Institute® (…
Germ Reduction in Schools Focus of Lunch and Learn Webinar
Resources, Recording and Additional Webinars Available Online
ACI’s second Lunch and Learn Webinar, Germ Reduction and Disease Prevention in Schools: Healthy Schools, Healthy People, It’s a SNAP on August 9, shared tips and resources to help educators and school nurses reduce germs at school and improve student health.
Good hand hygiene behavior can help students stay healthy and in school…
The Environmental Protection Agency should focus its regulatory attention on intended uses of chemicals it assesses, rather than trace amounts of materials not intentionally added to products. In comments submitted to EPA, ACI specifically addressed the chemical 1,4 dioxane, which the EPA has admitted that it’s "unlikely that 1,4-dioxane is intentionally used in formulations of currently available commercial and consumer products." ACI agrees with that statement, and asks that EPA…
ACI Supports Student Service Project to Assist Families in Need
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) partnered with the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) to support a new national community service project that donated 2,000 laundry detergent packets to families in need.
At AAFCS’ recent national conference, family and consumer sciences professionals donated laundry detergent packets for…