The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)

Research Studies

Year Title Chemical Class Subject

FDA Consumer Antiseptics Rule: FDA Request for Data on Safety and Efficacy of Chloroxylenol

Author : Exponent

Antimicrobials Risk Assessment

Release characteristics of selected carbon nanotube polymer composites

Author : Christopher Kingston, Richard Zepp, Anthony Andrady, Darrell Boverhof, Richard Fehir, Douglas Hawkins, Justin Roberts, Philip Sayre, Betsy Shelton, Yasir Sultan, Viktor Vejins, Wendel Wohlleben

Nanotechnology Fate

Methods for the Measurement of Release of MWCNTs from MWCNT-Polymer Composites

Author : Kaiser, D., Stefaniak A., Scott, K., Nguyen, T., Schutz J.

Nanotechnology Fate

Characterizing Potential Chemical Asthma Hazards: A Weight of Evidence Method and Case Study for Acetic Acid

Author : M.J. Vincent, A. Parker, B. Gadagbui, M. Krishan, A. Maier

General Asthma

Environmental Safety of the Use of Major Surfactant Classes in North America.

Author : Christina Cowan-Ellsberry, S. Belanger, P. Dorn, S. Dyer, D. McAvoy, H. Sanderson, D. Versteeg, D. Ferrer and K. Stanton

Surfactants Safety

Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Antibacterial Hand Hygiene Products on Risk of Shigellosis

Author : Schaffner, Donald W.; Bowman, James P.; English, Donald J.; Fischler, George E.; Fuls, Janice L.; Krowka, John F.; Kruszewski, Francis H.

Antimicrobials Efficacy

Influence of Humans on Evolution and Mobilization of Environmental Antibiotic Resistome

Author : Gaze WH, Krone SM, Joakim Larsson DG, Li X-Z, Robinson JA, Simonet P, et al.

Antimicrobials Safety

Management Options for Reducing the Release of Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Genes to the Environment

Author : Pruden A, Larsson DG, Amézquita A, Collignon P, Brandt KK, Graham DW, Lazorchak JM, Suzuki S, Silley P, Snape JR, Topp E, Zhang T, Zhu YG.

Antimicrobials Safety

Occurrence and risk screening of alcohol ethoxylate surfactants in three U.S. river sediments associated with wastewater treatment plants

Author : Hans Sanderson, Remi van Compernolle, Scott D. Dyer, Bradford B. Price, Allen M. Nielsen, Martin Selby, Darci Ferrer, Kathleen Stanton

Surfactants Monitoring

Estimating Fatty Alcohol Contributions to the Environment from Laundry and Personal Care Products using a Market Forensics Approach

Author : Stephen Mudge and Paul C. DeLeo

Surfactants Methods