Results (1281)
Cleaning: This involves removing unwanted contaminants, such as soil, dirt and grease, from a surface, material, or your hands. It’s usually what you’re doing when washing with soap and water. Cleaning along with rinsing and using a cloth or paper towel may remove some germs as well when they’re washed or wiped away.
Sanitizing: When sanitizing, you’re reducing (but not necessarily eliminating) the number of…
Choose and properly use the right products to help prevent illness every day!
Keeping your child care facility clean is vital for the health, safety and well-being of children and you. One of the most important steps you can take to reduce the spread of germs (i.e. bacteria, viruses and fungi) is keeping your environment clean throughout the day.
Daily Practices That Matter…
Wash your hands often
Understand the difference between cleaning…
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Experts agree that frequent hand washing is one of the first lines of defense against illness. Along with hand washing, ensuring surfaces that you come into contact are free of germs is another important line of defense against the spread of germs or pathogens (disease causing bacteria, viruses or fungi). High touch surfaces such as door knobs, switches, and shopping cart handles are some places where cleaning may not be enough to…
Experts agree that frequent handwashing is one of the first lines of defense against many illnesses. But no matter how many times you wash your hands, there are always some sneaky little germs lurking around to hitch a ride on your skin. They loiter on shopping cart handles, linger on light switches, lurk about the phone and even hang around on the remote controls. That's why disinfectants and disinfecting cleaners can be a helpful option…
The use of cleaning products, disinfectants and their chemistries contribute to public health in homes, schools, healthcare settings and communities every single day. But consumers might not understand this after reading some of the commentaries in news coverage of a review article summarizing previous research on a key chemistry used in many cleaning products and disinfectants.
The news coverage and related headlines – some of which were a bit alarmist –…
ACI, CBC Unveil Informational Resources on Quats, A Valuable Ingredient in Many Common Disinfectants
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: FAQ on Common Disinfectant Ingredients
Part of ACI’s Ingredient Communication Initiative
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), in partnership with the American Chemistry Council’s Center for Biocide Chemistries (CBC), launched a new webpage geared towards better understanding common disinfectant ingredients known as quaternary ammonium compounds, also referred to as QACs or quats.
Quats are a group of chemicals that are often found as the…
Did you know that there are different levels of laundry? There’s routine everyday cleaning and then there are the extra steps and enhanced precautions you should be taking when a family member is sick or has a weakened immune system. We relied on laundry safety experts to determine what precautions were recommended when and created a three-level laundry guide for best laundry practices for better health. Know the Levels of Laundry and how to step up your laundry routine, when…
Frequently cleaning your hands can slow the spread of germs. Alcohol based hand sanitizers or gels or antibacterial wipes are useful alternatives if soap and water are not available (for example, when traveling in the car or taxi on the way to a business meeting, before eating an in-flight meal or snack, outdoor work settings, etc.)
When Soap & Water are not Available - Use Hand Sanitizer or Hand Wipes
Use one or two squirts or pumps of the product.
Rub hands…
Practicing good hygiene is an important part of defending ourselves against the coronavirus. By and large, we have been cleaning and disinfecting more than usual during the pandemic, a habit which we will likely continue as we enter a “new normal” following the height of the pandemic. There may be different reasons why you worry about “cleaning too much.” It could be that you’re worried about cost, the amount of product you’re using in your…
Hand sanitizers are useful for killing germs, especially when soap and water are not readily available. Here's how to read the label, from ethanol to glycerin, and what to look for.