The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1151)

Environmental Risk Assessments for Topical Antiseptic Ingredients: Benzalkonium Chloride Benzalkonium chloride risks to aquatic and benthic invertebrates are uncertain, depending on bioavailability. Exposures via biosolids are not of concern. Want to know more? Scan here for further information. Kyle Fetters,1 Phyllis Fuchsman1, Michael Bock,1 Alison O’Connor,1 Lauren Brown,1 Igor Mrdjen,1 Miranda Henning,1 Monica Lam,2 Nathan Pechacek,3 Kathleen Stanton4 1 Ramboll, 2 The…
1 1 1 i I j j : 1 COMPILED BY THE GLYCERINE PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION USES OF GLYCERINE T HE unusual combination of properties of glycerine has resulted in its use in a great variety of products and processes. Some of these uses depend on its physical properties such as hygroscopicity, viscosity or high ,boiling point - while others depend on its chemical properties. In many cases it may be a combination of several of its properties, both physical and chemical, which make…
Methods A Time-Kill Kinetic Study of Four Antiseptic Active Ingredients Versus Strains of Twenty-six Species of Medically Relevant Bacteria and Yeast J. A. Mitchell1, T. Eastman2, J. Albright3, J.L. Fuls4, D.R. Macinga5, J.R. Rubino6, and F.H. Kruszewski7 1 Wordsmith Scientific & Regulatory, LLC., Bozeman, MT, 2 BioScience Laboratories, Inc., Bozeman, MT, 3 Ecolab Inc., Saint Paul, MN, 4 Henkel Corporation, Phoenix, AZ, 5 GOJO Industries, Inc., Cleveland, OH, 6 RB, Montvale, NJ, 7…
Final Report Analysis of Heavy Metals in Cleaning Products for The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 by Corning Hazleton 3301 Kinsman Boulevard Madison. WI 53704 Author Robert G. Allen June 8, 1995 2 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 3 TABLES SAMPLE COLLECTION 3 COMPOSITING PROCEDURE 3 MATERIALS 3 SAMPLE ANALYSIS 4 SIGNATURE 5 1. Product Brands to be Collected and Composited 6 2. Sample…
Communications Coordinator Natalie D’Apolito is the Communications and Outreach Coordinator at the American Cleaning Institute. Ms. D’Apolito is responsible for ACI’s weekly newsletters and daily news monitoring, as well as supporting ACI's communications efforts through press releases, press inquiries and other content creation. Ms. D’Apolito previously worked at Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), where she was editor of ACCA Now magazine and managed…
October 25, 2022 COVID-19: Considerations for Schools Carrie Dooyema Community Guidance Development Team Overview of Presentation  Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)  Plan and Prepare  Promoting Behaviors that Prevent Spread  Maintaining Healthy Environments and Operations  Preparing for When Someone Gets Sick  CDC Resources Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) COVID-19: Outbreak Update  Caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2  First U.S. case reported January 21, 2020…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), the Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA, formerly known as the Consumer Specialty Products Association), and the Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association (CCSPA) have developed an ingredient communication initiative as a way to provide consumers with information about the ingredients in products in four major categories: air care, automotive care, cleaning, and polishes and floor maintenance products. This proactive voluntary…
April 22, 2019
This meeting provides an opportunity for industry leaders to network as they discuss core legislative, regulatory, international, sustainability and outreach issues in the cleaning products arena.  There is no registration fee for the meeting; however, registration is required. All members participating in a committee meeting must register using their ACI Members Only Website (MOW) account.  In addition, you'll get updates on the ongoing work being done by our expert standing committees…
March 9, 2022
Sorting it Out The space age has entered today's wash-a-day world. Just sort and pretreat your laundry ... touch the right buttons or dials on your washer and dryer ... match up the wash loads to the right laundry products ... then walk away - and let your laundry problems wash away! All it takes is the know-how of sorting it all out, and that's exactly what this information is all about. Let it help you get clean
January 30, 2019
The Soap and Detergent Association Washington, D.C. Calculation of Component Chemical Air Emission Factors for: • Hand Dishwashing Detergents • Liquid Laundry Detergent • Liquid Fabric Softener Part I – Emissions at Point of Use August 2007 Prepared by Thomas R. Card Environmental Management Consulting 41125 278th Way SE, Enumclaw, Wa 98022 USA 360-802-5540 Table of Contents ABSTRACT…