The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1151)

Polymers Paul C. DeLeo, Heather Summers, Kathleen Stanton, Monica W. Lam 2020
October 17, 2022
Polymers Paul C. DeLeo, Heather Summers, Kathleen Stanton and Monica W.Lam 2020
June 17, 2020
Volatile Organic Compounds J. Wooley, A. Hodgson, W. Nazaroff 1989
March 9, 2019
Remove from archives; not an ACI pub?? Olson, W., D. Vesley, M. Bode, P. Dubbel and T. Bauer 1994
March 9, 2019
It’s Back to School For You... But Not For Germs! Summer’s over and it’s time to head back to school to learn, make new friends and have new experiences but not for getting sick. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, keeping hands clean through proper hand hygiene is one of the most important steps teachers and students can take to stay healthy and in school. Teachers, when talking to your students about the steps for proper hand hygiene,…
Tener las manos limpias es tener buena salud ¿Por qué es importante tener las manos limpias? Según el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de las Enfermedades, lo más importante que podemos hacer para evitar enfermarnos y contagiar a otros con la enfermedad es lavarnos las manos. ¿Cómo debo lavarme las manos? 1. Moje sus manos y aplique jabón en barra, líquido o en polvo. 2. Frote sus manos juntas vigorosamente, y limpie bien todas las superficies. 3. Continúe por 20 segundos para un…
ACI members can watch this event on demand. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, use of certain topical antiseptic compounds—specifically benzalkonium chloride (BAC), benzethonium chloride (BZC) and chloroxylenol (PCMX)—had increased due to the phase-out of triclosan and triclocarban in soaps and other cleaning products. On behalf of ACI, Ramboll completed an environmental safety assessment for the target antiseptic compounds, as a proactive measure to provide an appropriate science-based…
August 23, 2021
The 2024 ACI Annual Meeting & Industry Convention is coming to a close. Make sure you check out the second issue of ACI’s Convention News, published by Chemical Week, at You can also read Chemical Week’s comprehensive coverage of cleaning product supply chain and chemical industry news. Check out any ACI’s Convention Week highlights you may have missed on social media, using the…
February 2, 2024
Campaña Packets Up! Proporciona Nuevos Consejos Dirigidos a Clientes de Lavanderías ACI Es uno de los Patrocinadores Oro de la Convención #Prevcon2023 El American Cleaning Institute (ACI) se une a cientos de socios y expertos en seguridad durante el Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Convention (PrevCon), donde participará por cuatro días en conversaciones enfocadas en la prevención de lesiones infantiles no intencionales. Como patrocinador Oro de PrevCon 2023 (del 23 al 26 de…
July 23, 2023
March 20, 2017 Jeffery Morris, Ph.D., Director Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460-0001 (via Re: Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation Under the Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (Docket No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0654) Dear Dr. Morris: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)(1) is pleased to provide the following comments concerning the Agency’s Proposed…