The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1151)

'""'",, , , " :.' ,DEFINinON OF 'CONTAlvllNAtlT PLUMES .: ..: ':, ", . ,,;,'.,' ," SERVIN(;,"AN 'INDlVIDUAL ,HOME "!'" :' ::,,,;-:":: " " ",I,'''' ':,':\\: ":', "",',",,',',,:',',,',''-'''!:''" , ',,', < "", .., •…
FIELD REPORT FOR SURFACTANT SAMPLING AND HABITAT SURVEYS OF THE TRINITY RIVER IN DALLAS, TEXAS Prepared for The Soap and Detergent Association 1500 K Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Prepared by EA Engineering, Science, & Technology, Inc. 15 Loveton Circle Sparks, Maryland 21152 and University of North Texas Institute for Applied Sciences P.O. Box 310559 Denton, TX 76203 DECEMBER 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION…
The fate of high volume personal care product chemicals (fatty alcohols) in riverine environments: the e�ect of treatment type and Eco-region RP054 Stephen M Mudge 1 & Paul C DeLeo2 INF_DEE_12 SED_WEA_16 SED_WEA_14 INF_ADA_12 INF_WEA_15 SED_DEL_14 SED_ELK_16 INF_WEA_12INF_EDM_12 INF_WIN_12SED_DEL_18 SED_DEL_16INF_STI_12 INF_DEL_12 SED_WIN_16 SED_DEL_15 INF_ELK_12 INF_STI_14 SED_WEA_22 SED_ELK_22 SED_DEL_22 SED_DEL_24 SED_WIN_26 SED_DEE_24 SED_ALL_16 SED_STR_12…
FATTY ACIDS FOR CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES A symposium of the Soap, Detergents and Sanitary Chemical Products Division of the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association FATTY ACID SYMPOSIUM Soaps, Detergents and Sanitary Chemical Products Division of the CSMA Moderator: DR. D. H. TERRY The Bon Ami Company New York, New York OPENING REMARKS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, the subject to be discussed this morning is "Fatty Acids." For many, many years Fa t ty Acids have…
I I I I SANITARY ENGINEERING RESEARCH LABORATORY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ( BERKELEY THE FATE OF PHOSPHORUS IN SEWAGE TREATMENT PROCESSES P a r t I I I P o s t - A e r a t i o n , Anaerobic D i g e s t i o n , and P r e l i m i n a r y Clean S o l u t i o n P r e c i p i t a t i o n Experiments by Arnold B. Menar and David J e n k i n s December 1970 S a n i t a r y Engineering Research Laboratory…
The 2022 ACI Annual Meeting &amp; Industry Convention is underway.  Make sure you check out the first issue of ACI’s Convention News, published by Chemical Week, at the following link:;ver=html5&amp;p=1 You can also read Chemical Week’s comprehensive coverage of cleaning product supply chain and chemical industry news. You can also keep track of daily highlights of ACI’s Convention Week by following the hashtag #2022ACI on LinkedIn…
January 31, 2022
The 2024 ACI Annual Meeting &amp; Industry Convention is underway.  Make sure you check out the first issue of ACI’s Convention News, published by Chemical Week, at the following link:;p=1&amp;view=issueViewer You can also read Chemical Week’s comprehensive coverage of cleaning product supply chain and chemical industry news. You can also keep track of daily highlights of ACI’s Convention Week by following the…
January 29, 2024
Hand Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfection for Reopening This webinar, brought to you by ACI and the Healthy Schools, Healthy People program, is designed to help school nurses and administrators develop their school plan, taking into consideration the vital role of hand hygiene, as well as cleaning and disinfecting, in helping to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within school communities. Get resources and recommendations from the CDC on preparing for K-12 school reopening…
July 22, 2020
Set a good example by washing your own hands often and properly. Teach kids to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, rinsing and drying completely. Tell kids when to wash, such as after using the bathroom, before eating and after touching animals, blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing. Keep alcohol-based hand sanitizers, gels or antibacterial wipes on hand when soap and water are unavailable. 222 111 555 At Your Finger-Tips Learning hand hygiene begins long…
L ,''f: ^ '.< NOTHING TAKI;S Tlti: I'l.ACI: * - ,585 WCLU^ to u^^ it- d "^ 1; < ^.t (;I.YCI-HIi\l- PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION A This booklet has been compiled for the convenience of chem- ists, manufacturers, and others who may wish to investi- gate the possibilities of glycerine in their production prob- lems or to study its wider applications. The list of uses is numbered continuously so as to serve as a reference in request- ing information.…