The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (221)

OECD SIDS AMINE OXIDES 1 SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 22 Paris, France, 18-21 April 2006 Category Name: CAS Numbers: Amine Oxides 1643-20-5 1-Dodecanamine, N,N-dimethyl-, N-oxide 3332-27-2 1-Tetradecanamine, N,N-dimethyl-, N-oxide 70592-80-2 Amines, C10-16-alkyldimethyl, N-oxides 68955-55-5 Amines, C12-18-alkyldimethyl, N-oxides 2605-79-0 Decanamine, N,N-dimethyl-, N-oxide 7128-91-8 Hexadecanamine, N,N-dimethyl-, N-oxide 2571-88-2 Octadecanamine, N,N…
A Finol Report Eutrophlcstlon Modeling of Jomes Estuory, Vlrginlo Submitted to: The Soop ond Detergent Associotion 475 Pork Avenue South of J2nd Street New York. tff 10016 Rfc+npnd Cålc*drornlrry Rfvr submitted by: Hqr¡c¡mnd Wu-Seng Lung, PhD,pE Principol lnvestigotor December 1gE7 75ilillltr-r SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLI ED SCI ENCE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENG¡NEERING UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 2290I A Finql Report Eutrophicqtion llodeling of Jomes Estuoly…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) celebrated National Cleaning Week (March 27 – April 2) by launching their rebranded blog, which will now be called Cleaning Is Caring. This update (from “Clean & Happy Nest”) reflects a closer alignment of the blog with ACI’s Cleaning Is Caring campaign, an initiative reflecting the shift in consumer perceptions of, and motivations behind, cleaning. Over the last few years, cleaning has evolved from being seen as a chore to keep your “nest” tidy to…
March 28, 2022
As dishes are cleared from tables in millions of homes this Thanksgiving, those celebrating can save a significant amount of water by scraping their dishes instead of rinsing them before they are put into the dishwasher. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) and American Cleaning Institute (ACI) are asking consumers to take this simple step to conserve water and create a more sustainable Thanksgiving. “Nearly 90 million households across the U.S. have dishwashers, and many…
November 20, 2022
From her many jobs as cook, cleaner, grocery shopper, chauffeur and social director, mom typically receives just one day off a year - Mother's Day. In a 2000 national survey by American Cleaning Institute, 82 percent of moms said that they would like to see the housework vacation that they enjoy on Mother's Day happen more often. "Today's mothers have to juggle so many more responsibilities than they did when the first Mother's Day was celebrated in…
December 5, 2018
. THE IMPACT OF BANNING PHOSPHATI.COI{TAINING DETERÊENTs 0N THE l,lATEB QUALITY 0F rNLA}iD I,¡ISC0NSIN LAKES Frepared for The Soap and Detergent Association Nicho'las L. CJesceri, Ph,t. Bolton Landing, fi.Y, 128i4 February 1983 by TABLE OF CONTINTS Executìve Summary List of Fígures List of Tables . I. TNTRODUCTION-..-.. I I. BACKGR0UND-------- _-____-3 A. Lake Phylogeny and Cu'ltural Eutrophication--- -------_-__3 B. Nutrient Sources------- ------. __--___-5 C.…
1 A The NPD Group Custom Research Services Graywater Awareness & Usage Study Prepared For: 2 Table of Contents Page Number ? Background and Objectives 2 ? Methodology 3 ? Reporting Notes 4 ? Summary of Key Findings 7 ? Who Reuses Graywater? 10 ? What is the Graywater Cycle? 18 ? Why is Graywater Reused? 37 ? When is Graywater Reused? 43 ? Appendix 48 3 Background and Objectives The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) is a national trade organization representing…
] T h e NPD Group Custom R e s e a r c h S e r v i c e s Graywater Awareness & Usage Study Prepared For: THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATIO nrrr /.V.M. THE S<^ ANo'DElttCtNT Aji^lAI • Table of Contents Page Number ^ Background and Objectives 2 es Methodology 3 ^ Reporting Notes 4 ^ Summary of Key Findings 7 ^ Who Reuses Graywater? 10 What is the Graywater Cycle? 18 ^ Why is Graywater Reused? 37 K When is Graywater Reused? 43 Appendix 48 /.'il.M…
Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients The Soap and Detergent Association The Soap and Detergent Association Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients The Soap and Detergent Association Washington, DC April 2005 Copyright © 2005: The Soap and Detergent Association. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any…
EHEMICAL TREATMENT AND ENHANCED BIOLOû]CAL REMOVAL OF PHOSPHATES AT WASTEhJATER TRIATMENT PLANTS A LITERATURI SURVEY AND COST ANALYSIS The Soap and Detergent Assocìatjon February 24, 1984 A SHORT SUMMARY Chemical treatment is a pract'ical and effective means of removìng phosphate and other waste constituents from sewage. A number of items of fact which support this conclusion are listed below (page references are for the attached survey): CHEMICAL…