The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1289)

Guidance for the Risk Assessment of Enzyme-Containing Consumer Products Guidance for the Risk Assessment of Enzyme-Containing Consumer Products The information contained in this publication was created and/or compiled by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI)® and is offered solely to aid the reader. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but ACI and its member companies do not make any guarantees, representations, or warranties,…
Whether you’re having a small dinner party or an all-out bash, there’s probably going to be some straightening up and cleaning before guests arrive and definitely some clean up to do afterward. Pre Party Cleaning Give your home a thorough cleaning, following our room-by-room cleaning guide. Be sure to keep some paper towels or cloths handy for cleaning up the inevitable spills as they occur.…
Q. Our whole family loves to color Easter eggs. Despite laminated aprons and a plastic tablecloth, the kids manage to get the dye on their clothes. How can I remove it? A. Pretreat stains with a pre-wash stain remover, and then launder. If the stain remains, mix a solution of 1/4 cup of oxygen bleach or 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach (if safe for the fabric) per gallon of cool water. Soak for 30 minutes. Rinse, and then launder.
ACI introduces the Class of Clean: Senior Year with New Resources and Tools to Prepare for Life After Graduation Review Survey Findings Here Download the toolkit: Nearly 7 out of 10 college seniors (68%) said they felt no more prepared to clean as seniors as they did when they were freshmen, according to a new survey from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). These findings show that seniors still have to pass cleaning…
Cleaning quickly is all about having a plan. You need to tidy up, go top down and focus where your cleaning has outsized effect in terms of looking good and keeping you and your family safe. Get Ready Prepare to clean so you don’t waste time or resources by accident. Gather your cleaning products. Read the directions so you know you are using them safely and effectively. The label contains important information about how much product you…
No matter the type of product you are using (soap or detergent), good cleaning takes a lot of energy. Three different kinds to be exact: Chemical energy, provided by the soap or detergent Mechanical energy, provided by a machine or by hand Thermal energy, provided by heating water Let’s look at how all these elements work together. Assume we have a great, big, oily, greasy stain on one of our favorite shirts. Water alone is not enough to remove the…
The Cold Water Saves Initiative educates about the benefits of cold water washing, a sustainable action that greatly benefits the environment with little effort on the individual’s part. What's in it for me? Save energy. Save your clothes. Save the planet. About 90% of the energy the washing machine uses goes towards heating the water. According to the Sierra Club, every household that switches to cold water washing could…
Q: We had a real tree for Christmas but now I am finding tree sap everywhere! What is the best way to clean mittens, coats and my carpet?  A: Rubbing alcohol can remove sap from washable clothing, knit gloves, and rugs, because it acts as a solvent. For clothes, even a down coat, saturate the area with alcohol, let sit for a minute, then launder in warm water with regular detergent. Heat sets stains, so be sure all the sap is gone before using the dryer. Repeat the…
Cleaning products play an essential role in daily life. They can remove dirt and stains from our clothes, dried on food from our dishes, and even germs from our hands!  Let’s learn more about the chemistry that makes this happen. What Is Cleaning?  Cleaning is the process of taking something dirty—like your kitchen counter—and removing dirt, grease, and grime found on it. When we clean, we leave things…
Data: Spring Cleaning Concerns, Priorities and Reasons Why People Don’t Spring Clean; Plus ACI’s Five-Step Plan for Easy Spring Cleaning 2020 ACI National Cleaning Survey Topline Springtime Results: 78% of Households Spring Clean Every Year, Prioritizing Bedrooms, Closets, Kitchens & Family Rooms 78% of Adults Agree that on a Typical Day, They'd Like Their Homes to be Cleaner Dirtiest Spots:…