The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1151)

Interpretation of Results: To estimate environmental concentrations, conservative assumptions were made for many cleaning product ingredients. Ingredients contained in cleaning products often have a multitude of uses outside of the cleaning product industry. This information is considered confidential business information and therefore is not communicated among businesses and is not publicly available. To be conservative and decrease the probability of underestimating environmental…
THE CONTRIBUTION OF HEAVY METALS TO WASTEWATERS FROM HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS prepared for the Soap and Detergent Association July 1990 prepared by REED Corporation Berkeley, California R E E D CORPORATION Envi ron mental Engineering 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 504 Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 524-0450 J u l y 2 7 , 1990 Mobile (415) 860-1125 F A X (415) 232-3796 Soap a n d D e t e r g e n t A s s o c i a t i o n 475 P a r k A v e n u e S o u t h New Y o r k , N.Y.…
THE CONTRIBUTION OF HEAVY METALS TO WASTEWATERS FROM HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS prepared for the Soap and Detergent Association July 1990 prepared by REED Corporation Berkeley, California R E E D CORPORATION Envi ron mental Engineering 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 504 Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 524-0450 J u l y 2 7 , 1990 Mobile (415) 860-1125 F A X (415) 232-3796 Soap a n d D e t e r g e n t A s s o c i a t i o n 475 P a r k A v e n u e S o u t h New Y o r k , N.Y.…
Environmental Stewardship Program for Polymers Used in Cleaning Products—Polycarboxylate Polymers P. DeLeo ( H. Summers Integral Consulting Inc. SETAC North America 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 3–7, 2019 Water-soluble polymers are important ingredients providing multiple functions and unique performance benefits to cleaning products. Polycarboxylate polymers are found in laundry products and automatic dishwashing…
Environmental Stewardship Program for Polymers Used in Cleaning Products—Polycarboxylate Polymers P. DeLeo ( H. Summers Integral Consulting Inc. SETAC North America 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 3–7, 2019 Water-soluble polymers are important ingredients providing multiple functions and unique performance benefits to cleaning products. Polycarboxylate polymers are found in laundry products and automatic dishwashing…
EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN IN BUSINESS | WASHINGTON, D.C. hen it comes to cleaning, Melissa Hockstad knows her stu� . An engineer with extensive experience in the chemical industry, she spent years in product development and in roles working for several trade associations representing chemical and plastics manufacturers. In 2017, she became president and CEO of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), combining her knowledge of chemicals and leadership experience. “We are constantly…
Cleaning Products Melissa Vincent, Jonathan A Bernstein, David Basketter, Judy S LaKind, G. Scott Dotson, Andrew Maier 2017
February 27, 2019
Cleaning Products Raghu Vamshi1, Brenna Kent, Kathleen McDonough2, Susan A. Csiszar, Ryan Heisler, Kathleen Stanton 2021
December 1, 2021
Cleaning Products Hans Sanderson, William Greggs, Christina Cowan-Ellsberry, Paul DeLeo & Richard Sedlak 2012
February 27, 2019
ACI launched a new membership video, featuring why companies in the cleaning product supply chain join the association. Watch the Video
June 12, 2024