The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1329)

Learn about PVA & Water Soluble Films Used in Dishwashing and Laundry Pods and Packets Liquid detergent packets were introduced to the North American market in 2010 and have since become an important product. They have grown in popularity because they provide a convenient way to deliver the correct dose of detergent for maximum cleaning efficiency. With…
American Cleaning Institute Publishes Science-based Information on Water-Soluble Films Used in Single-Dose Laundry, Dish Detergent Products Materials Available at New online resources published by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) provide science-based information about the technology behind water-soluble films, which are used to contain compact, convenient, pre-measured doses of…
American Cleaning Institute Launches the Packets Up! Challenge Calls on Parents, Caregivers to Keep Laundry Products in Their Original Container Urges Pinterest, Other Social Platform Users Not to Promote Unsafe Storage Trends New research from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds nearly 13% of Americans are not storing liquid laundry packets in their original child resistant containers. A simple search on popular…
Social Media Blogs, Videos Portray Unsafe Use of Cleaning Products The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following safety reminder in the wake of news reports on social media videos portraying individuals ingesting powder detergents and additives: “Powdered detergent and additives are only intended to clean clothes and other surfaces and have been safely used by consumers for decades. “Although safe when used as directed, the…
Follow #CleaningIsCaring Learn More We're sharing tips on how to care for loved ones, the environment, your community and more through cleaning through our social media channels. Healthy Schools, Healthy People Learn More The Healthy Schools, Healthy People program is a collaboration of the American Cleaning Institute…
Life's messy. Have a stain you're not sure how to get out? How to remove stains from clothes: Deal with it as early as possible. The less time a stain has to soak in, the easier it will be to remove, although there are ways to remove old stains out of clothes as well. Pre-treat with a stain remover, then let it soak in. Launder according to the fabric care…
Surfactants (yellow) cause water to lose surface tension, which is what keeps water separate from other materials Have you ever seen a bead of water sitting on a surface? This is because water has a property called surface tension. This tension causes water to form a bead on the surface of things like glass or fabric. You can see surface tension at work by placing a drop of water onto a counter top. The drop will hold its shape and will not spread. In order to clean the dirt…
Clean and Happy Nest shares tips, tricks and expert advice with the public in mind – especially families with young children – with hopes that our ideas and information lead to cleaner, happier, and better lives. Our blog posts are based on research and expert opinion and designed to inspire people to take on cleaning projects – no matter how small – to enhance happiness and life satisfaction. You’ll find tips on
Cleaning fine washables for picture perfect portraits Holiday portraits, with family members dressed in their best, are cherished momentos. Whether it's a once-in-lifetime event or a yearly tradition for your family, looking good is the goal. Portrait-worthy Fabrics Clothes that are clean and sparkling are the perfect complement to those smiling faces. To make sure your garments are portrait worthy, the American Cleaning Institute urges gentle care for…