The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1032)

The ACI Member Sustainability Showcase is our one-stop online information source for cleaning product industry sustainability updates. It is a portal to our member companies’ best sustainability content, including sustainability reports, webpages, press releases, and other initiatives. ACI is enthusiastic about every opportunity to celebrate and promote the sustainability success stories of all our member companies. With countless efforts…
This is an ACI members only webinar. Wed, 10/09/2024 - 13:00 Wed, 10/09/2024 - 14:00
Fragrance Creators Association (Fragrance Creators) President & CEO Farah K. Ahmed and the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) President & CEO Melissa Hockstad released a joint statement today, recognizing the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) efforts to promote practical education and training related to new consumer products VOC regulations. The organizations co-hosted a one-hour webinar for members yesterday featuring Joe Calavita, Manager, Consumer…
This is an ACI Members Only webinar. Want to learn about what's next in the states that have passed extended producer responsibility laws for packaging? ACI will be actively involved in the rulemaking activities that will transpire in Maine, Oregon, Colorado, and California. Each state's program has its own unique characteristics and timelines for stakeholder engagement. Find out what elements still need to be worked out, the next opportunity for…
Los Recursos en Español Brindan Específicas Mejores Prácticas de Higiene a los Empleados, Cuidadores y Niños de Centros de Cuidado Infantil Descargue el kit de herramientas El American Cleaning Institute (ACI por sus siglas en inglés) lanzó una versión en español de su kit de herramientas C is for Clean: Building Blocks of Healthy Child Care (L de Limpio: Construyendo con Bloques un Cuidado Infantil Saludable), que brinda recomendaciones permanentes y fáciles de entender…
We have a collective responsibility to support multi-stakeholder initiatives that contribute to sustainable business success and a better future for everyone. Goal: Contribute positively to our shared future through supporting the UN SDGs. What Are the SDGs Created in 2015, the UN SDGs bring together government sectors…
In support of ACI’s purpose to advance the health and quality of life of people and protect our planet, we believe it is necessary to strive for a vibrant and sustainable future. To ACI, a vibrant future is one with: Healthy People Cleaning products help people lead healthier lives Flourishing Planet Nature is valued and all Earth’s inhabitants…