The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1243)

Free, Online Resource Arms Child Care Center Employees, Caregivers and Children with Targeted Hygiene Best Practices Download the Toolkit: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its C is for Clean: Building Blocks of Healthy Child Care Toolkit providing evergreen, easy-to-understand recommendations on disinfecting, cleaning and hygiene protocols to help keep child care centers safe and healthy. Coming off the…
If you’re cleaning and still seeing cloudy spots on your glassware, you probably have hard water. As with most stains, the longer it sits, the more difficult it is to remove. There are cleaning products that can help remove the mineral buildup from surfaces or run dishes through the dishwasher again, this time using a rinsing agent. It can also help to increase the amount of detergent used a bit. On surfaces, look for a cleaning product…
We love fresh fall breezes, but not when it blows dust and grime into our home. Here are some tips for cleaning the entire window, coverings, sills and glass: Window Sills and Frames: Remove dirt and debris. Use a small broom or vacuum window frames and sills to get rid of dust, soot, cobwebs, and dead insects. Wipe plastic or vinyl frames and sills with cleaning wipes. If you use a spray product, be sure to spray the product on cloth, and then use the cloth…
Spaghetti sauce splatter on your shirt, wax drips on the table cloth,and wine spots stain the rug, it can and will happen. And why does the bread always fall butter-side down? But, don’t let worrying about a few stains ruin your dinner. ACI has these cleanup tips for after your feast: Tomato Based Stains Remove as much of the…
What do cleaning ingredients do? The industry is committed to helping you understand what ingredients are in your cleaning products and why they are there so that you can make informed buying decisions. These ingredient function definitions have been developed through validated consumer research to provide standardized industry language that helps demystify the ingredient list and empower consumer understanding. table { font-family:…
ACI and Good Housekeeping’s Third Annual Cleaning Summit Takes Place October 26 Register for This Free, Virtual Event at: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping are coming together again for the 2022 Discover Cleaning Summit: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. Registration is now open for the free, virtual event, which will be held on October 26 at 1 PM EDT.…
Free Webinar for Parents and Teachers on December 8, 2020 at Noon EST The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is partnering with the National Parent Teachers Association (PTA) to sponsor and moderate a December 8 panel discussion on the challenges schools and families are facing this school year when it comes to staying safe and healthy—and also cleaning, disinfecting and hand hygiene best practices, with actionable advice for school staff and parents. During…
American Cleaning Institute, International Network of Cleaning Product Associations Announce Redesigned INCPA.netWebsite Highlights Consumer Education, Health and Safety and Sustainability Priorities for the Global Cleaning Products IndustryThe International Network of Cleaning Products Associations (INCPA) has launched a new website as part of its commitment to sharing information and supporting sustainable…
Get the jump on seasonal cleaning! It's fall, so how about getting started with spring cleaning?! While that may sound like a contradiction in terms, stop and think about it. Warm summer months means vacations away from home and more time spent outdoors. But while you were out enjoying yourself, dirt and grime didn't take a vacation. They sat around the house, accumulating and multiplying. And, now, with the winter months ahead and…