Results (1265)
Life changes when a baby arrives, and it can be hard for new parents to feel prepared to navigate it all. Most expecting parents feel less than completely prepared to use cleaning products properly and safely around a new baby. The Clean First Steps: A Guide for New Parents toolkit is designed to provide guidance on the cleaning and hygiene best practices that can help keep babies and young children safe and healthy. Explore the different…
Ensuring a safe and clean environment for guests is a matter of having a plan, whether you are cleaning on your own or bringing in a service. Checkout out our top tips for your plan.
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
4% said not very prepared
0% said not at all prepared
Q. Now that you are close to the end of your college experience, do you feel prepared to clean on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
3% said not very prepared
1% said not at all prepared
Q. Which of the…
Q. How likely are you, if at all, to do the following while gathering with friends and family during the holiday season?
89% will frequently wash their hands with soap and water
79% will use hand sanitizer
69% will disinfect frequently touched surfaces
53% will socially distance
53% will use alternative greetings (fist bumping/elbow bumping)
53% will wear a mask
Q. If hosting for the holidays, how concerned, if at all, are you about your guests'…
What is RSV?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), RSV, or Respiratory syncytial virus, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. It can be serious for some, causing bronchiolitis or pneumonia.
Cleaning for RSV
RSV spreads primarily through virus droplets, either through close contact with an infected person who is contagious or touching a surface with the virus on it. Prevention is particularly…
Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
76% Every year (among Millennials 73%)
8% Every other year (among Millennials 10%)
7% Every few years (among Millennials 9%)
3% Less often than every few years (among Millennials 5%)
6% I never spring clean (among Millennials 4%)
91 percent of Americans and 96 percent of Millennials engage in spring cleaning, with 76 percent of the population participating each…
Are you a caregiver for a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia?
If you are caring for an individual who is diagnosed with or showing signs or symptoms of dementia, all cleaning products, including laundry packets, should be stored in a locked cabinet or a closet when not in use.
Liquid laundry packets contain highly concentrated detergent. If not safely stored or handled properly, laundry packets can lead to injury from ingestion…
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Experts agree that frequent hand washing is one of the first lines of defense against illness. Along with hand washing, ensuring surfaces that you come into contact are free of germs is another important line of defense against the spread of germs or pathogens (disease causing bacteria, viruses or fungi). High touch surfaces such as door knobs, switches, and shopping cart handles are some places where …
Grout is generally porous and white or light colored and can get dirty or discolored quickly. Get it clean with a little chemistry and a bit of elbow grease.
First off, you'll want to use an alkaline cleaner. Grout is primarily cement and can be dissolved by acids. Over time, an acidic cleaner may require you to re-grout sooner than intended.
How do you know if your cleaner will do the trick? Typically the product label will tell you the surfaces it works on. Or, if it…
What is Monkeypox?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), monkeypox is a viral disease in the same family of viruses as the one that causes smallpox, although milder. It can be spread through close contact with a person with monkeypox or touching objects, fabrics, and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox. There is currently an outbreak that has reached several countries and most U.S. states, which is being closely…