Results (1187)
Q: This year my resolution is to do a better job keeping my home clean and organized. Things always get so cluttered once the kids go back to school after the holidays. Do you have tips for how to start the year off on the right foot?
The New Year is a great time to reset your cleaning routines and put some new organizational systems in place. Here are my top five cleaning resolutions:
Make It a Family Project. Assign different family…
Online Campaign Features Daily Reminders on Proper Cleaning and Hygiene in the Age of COVID-19
#SafeAndCleanAtHome Hashtag Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Safe and Clean at Home initiative, featuring daily cleaning challenges, tips and ideas to help all of us to clean smart while we’re spending so much more time around the house.
You can find the daily #…
Survey Results
Q. Approximately how many hours per week, if any, do you typically spend cleaning?
10% Less than one hour
21% 1-2 hours
26% 3-4 hours
15% 5-6 hours
28% 7 hours or more
The average number of hours we clean is six, with parents spending 7 hours per week on average.
Q. Which of the following concerns, if any, do you have about cleaning?
38% Preventing illness or allergy symptoms
34% Whether I’m…
Q. I’m motivated this year to do a massive spring cleaning but with little kids running around my home, I'm concerned about cleaning product safety. How should I be planning to clean safely?
A. We encourage parents to do spring cleaning in the absence of young children so that you can give it your full attention without distractions. Here are some additional safety tips —
Children are usually curious…
Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers.…
T h e NPD Group
Custom R e s e a r c h S e r v i c e s
Graywater Awareness &
Usage Study
Prepared For:
THE S<^ ANo'DElttCtNT Aji^lAI •
Table of Contents
Page Number
^ Background and Objectives 2
es Methodology 3
^ Reporting Notes 4
^ Summary of Key Findings 7
^ Who Reuses Graywater? 10
What is the Graywater Cycle? 18
^ Why is Graywater Reused? 37
K When is Graywater Reused? 43
Appendix 48
The NPD Group
Custom Research Services
Graywater Awareness &
Usage Study
Prepared For:
Table of Contents
Page Number
? Background and Objectives 2
? Methodology 3
? Reporting Notes 4
? Summary of Key Findings 7
? Who Reuses Graywater? 10
? What is the Graywater Cycle? 18
? Why is Graywater Reused? 37
? When is Graywater Reused? 43
? Appendix 48
Background and Objectives
The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) is a national trade
organization representing…
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Together, we can ensure a vibrant future.
Sustainable Practices
From saving water and energy to recycling, ACI has resources on steps everyone can take each day to clean in a sustainable way.
Saving Water…
Did you ever think about how the spring-cleaning ritual developed? Before the advent of electricity and a host of other modern conveniences, homes were heated with coal, oil and/or wood, and lit by gas or candlelight. Soot and grime were the natural companions of winter. Once spring arrived, the doors were thrown open, and everything – rugs, furniture, cupboards, curtains and more – was aired out, cleaned out, swept out and scrubbed out.
Although today's centrally heated…
C U S T O M & S Y N D I C A T E D R E S E A R C H
MARCH, 1995
Prepared for:
The Soap and Detergent Association
NEW YORK: 900 West Shore Road, Port Washington, New York 11050-0402/516-625-0700
CHICAGO: 1300 West Higgins Rood, Pork Ridge, Illinois 60068-5798/708-692-6700
CINCINNATI: 250 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202/513-762-7627
HOUSTON: 820 Gessner, Suite 830, Houston, Texas 77024/…