Results (1268)
Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
76% Every year (among Millennials 73%)
8% Every other year (among Millennials 10%)
7% Every few years (among Millennials 9%)
3% Less often than every few years (among Millennials 5%)
6% I never spring clean (among Millennials 4%)
91 percent of Americans and 96 percent of Millennials engage in spring cleaning, with 76 percent of the population participating each…
Q. Can sponges be sanitized in the microwave?
Using the microwave can be risky. Unless the sponge is soaking wet, there is the possibility of starting a fire. In addition, the size of the sponge and the amount of power in the microwave are variables that influence how long you would need to zap it to kill germs. A better way is to soak the sponge for five minutes in a solution of one quart water to three tablespoons of chlorine bleach. Let the sponge air-dry. Replace your…
How to keep your favorite sweaters in tip-top shape
When it's time to put away sweaters for the season, say goodbye to losing a favorite sweater before its prime with these tips from the American Cleaning Institute:
Shop Talk
When choosing a sweater, price is just one consideration.
Construction. Harder, tighter yarns are more durable than soft, loose ones, which tend to stretch easily. That's why a fisherman's sweater is more suited to rugged,…
January 30-February 4, 2023
Orlando, FL
The ACI Convention and Annual Meeting is the industry’s premiere event for business-to-business networking. You won’t want to miss the largest ACI networking opportunity of the year!
4040 Central Florida Pkwy
Orlando, FL 32821
United States
Mon, 01/30/2023 - 00:00
Sat, 02/04/2023 - 00:00
“With a severe flu season underway and the threat of a global pandemic, it’s important to avoid confusion among parents and other consumers that would prevent them from using the very disinfectants that are proven to effectively kill germs and therefore protect public health during times like these.”
PB-301 r93
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Thls report 1s rendered upon the
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of Arthur D. LittLe, Inc.
This report was prepared by Arthur D. Little,
Inc., for the Soap and…
CDC, Team Lead Domestic Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Epidemiology Team
Jennifer Cope, MD, MPH is a medical epidemiologist and infectious disease physician with the Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at CDC where she leads the Domestic Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Epidemiology Team. Dr. Cope obtained a BS in Microbiology from Penn State University and…
"Grandma's recipes" for home cleaning have been a part of household lore for years. Lately, these recipes have been promoted as a "safer" alternative to commercially formulated cleaning products. While we may feel comfortable using these ingredients in cleaning applications, perhaps because some are edible, there are important facts about these recipes to consider. Ignoring these considerations may mean missing some safety assurances, spending more, getting less…
ACI Sustainability Goal: Reduce GHG emissions across the cleaning products value chain as part of our industry’s collective efforts to confront climate change.
Consumer Product Ingredient Communication Initiative
Commonly Asked Questions
What is the Consumer Product Ingredient Communication Initiative?
Member companies of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA), and the Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association (CCSPA) are responding to consumer requests for ingredient information.
The goals of this voluntary program are:
to provide meaningful information on ingredients;
in a consistent,…