The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1268)

If you’ve never used bleach and have questions about it, we’ve got you covered. Bleach is great for disinfecting surfaces, clothes, and linens. Other types of soaps and detergents are better for routine cleaning. Bleach is for when you want to sanitize, as well as get your clothes nice and bright.
Report Says Industry Directly Supports 64,000 Jobs Industry’s Upstream, Downstream Impact: $192 Billion Output, 756,000 Jobs Report Available on American Cleaning Institute Website Washington, D.C. – October 1, 2018 – The cleaning products industry has a direct impact on the U.S. economy totaling $59.1 billion, supporting 64,000 jobs and including $8.3 billion of labor compensation, according to a new report released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The report, prepared…
THE CONTRIBUTION OF HEAVY METALS TO WASTEWATERS FROM HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS prepared for the Soap and Detergent Association July 1990 prepared by REED Corporation Berkeley, California R E E D CORPORATION Envi ron mental Engineering 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 504 Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 524-0450 J u l y 2 7 , 1990 Mobile (415) 860-1125 F A X (415) 232-3796 Soap a n d D e t e r g e n t A s s o c i a t i o n 475 P a r k A v e n u e S o u t h New Y o r k , N.Y.…
THE CONTRIBUTION OF HEAVY METALS TO WASTEWATERS FROM HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS prepared for the Soap and Detergent Association July 1990 prepared by REED Corporation Berkeley, California R E E D CORPORATION Envi ron mental Engineering 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 504 Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 524-0450 J u l y 2 7 , 1990 Mobile (415) 860-1125 F A X (415) 232-3796 Soap a n d D e t e r g e n t A s s o c i a t i o n 475 P a r k A v e n u e S o u t h New Y o r k , N.Y.…
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: FAQ on Common Disinfectant Ingredients Part of ACI’s Ingredient Communication Initiative The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), in partnership with the American Chemistry Council’s Center for Biocide Chemistries (CBC), launched a new webpage geared towards better understanding common disinfectant ingredients known as quaternary ammonium compounds, also referred to as QACs or quats. Quats are a group of chemicals that are often found as the active ingredients…
Clean homes. Clean workplaces. Clean schools. We’re all drawn to the clean we can "see." But we also know that just because something looks clean, doesn’t mean it really is clean. Learn about the role disinfecting and sanitizing in preventing the spread of illness-causing germs. You can’t see germs — like Salmonella, E. coli, or Influenza. But "pathogenic," or disease-…
Parents: 20 Seconds Could Save You or Your Kids Weeks in Bed this Cold & Flu Season   Click the image to enlarge We’re already deep into cold and flu season – but it’s never too late to start protecting yourself. Easy step? Keep your hands clean. Consider this: 65% of U.S. parents of children ages 5 and under don’t always wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, according to a new…
ACI Sustainability Goal: Value nature by working to eliminate waste and advancing water stewardship.
The holidays can do a number on your home! Between house guests, holiday feasts, and kids on school breaks, your house probably need some TLC. Try these tips to clean up and start New Year off on a sparkling clean foot. Clean Up After House Guests Give your house’s surfaces a deep clean. Wash all your linens. Vacuum carpets, floors, and baseboards to give yourself a fresh start. Clean out your refrigerator -…
Can the kind of water you have affect your laundry? You bet. It depends on the water’s softness or hardness. Soft water aids cleaning. Hard water poses some obstacles to cleaning.