The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1258)

A COMPUTER MODEL FOR PHOSPHATE PRECIPITATION WITH ALUM AND FERRIC CHLORIDE NOVEMBER 1984 DAVID J E N K I N S & A S S O C . . 11 Y A L E C I R C L E . K E N S I N Q T C N . CA 9 4 7 0 8 J A M E S ENQINEERINQ INC. . 6 3 2 9 FAIRMOUNT A V E . . E L C E R R I T O . CA 9 4 5 3 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Objectives Need for Study Approach to Problem Nature of Model Development of the Model Results of Model Predictions Dosing with Metal Salts Combined With Strong Acid…
Home Cleaning Schedule  Monthly: Yearly: Daily: Weekly: Quarterly: Clean the bathrooms Launder sheets and towels Vacuum, mop and dust Clean out the fridge Disinfect high-touch surfaces Pick up clutter & spot clean Clean the kitchen Do laundry (if needed) Wash blankets & comforters Wash curtains Dust light fixtures & blinds Clean appliances Wash windows & screens Wash shower curtain Wash pillows Clean rugs and upholstery…
THE NPD GROUP, INC C U S T O M & S Y N D I C A T E D R E S E A R C H CONSUMER DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS MARCH, 1995 Prepared for: The Soap and Detergent Association NEW YORK: 900 West Shore Road, Port Washington, New York 11050-0402/516-625-0700 CHICAGO: 1300 West Higgins Rood, Pork Ridge, Illinois 60068-5798/708-692-6700 CINCINNATI: 250 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202/513-762-7627 HOUSTON: 820 Gessner, Suite 830, Houston, Texas 77024/…
THE NPD GROUP, INC C U S T O M & S Y N D I C A T E D R E S E A R C H CONSUMER DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS MARCH, 1995 Prepared for: The Soap and Detergent Association NEW YORK: 900 West Shore Road, Port Washington, New York 11050-0402/516-625-0700 CHICAGO: 1300 West Higgins Rood, Pork Ridge, Illinois 60068-5798/708-692-6700 CINCINNATI: 250 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202/513-762-7627 HOUSTON: 820 Gessner, Suite 830, Houston, Texas 77024/…
I OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNLTY IN BY NUTRIENTS AND ZOOPLANKTON FINAL REPORT I 30 JUNE, 1990 Craig N. Spencer Research Assistant Professor Flathead Lake Biological Station University of Montana Polson, MT 59860 OFCONTENTS Page An inexpensive,deep-water limnocorral .................................................................. that cqmpensates for wave actions 1 Co-li itation by phosphorus and nitrogen, and e "; fects of zooplankton mortality on phytodlankton in…
ACI exhibited at the 2017 National Leadership Conference of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) in Nashville, Tennessee to share key programs with many of the 7,800 FCCLA members that attended. ACI provided educational resources and materials on laundry packet safety and sustainability practices in the laundry room. Attendees also learned how their chapters could earn national recognition for their schools by participating…
Brian Sansoni Henkel, Novozymes Executives Elected to American Cleaning Institute Board of Directors Eric Schwartz   Cynthia Bryant WASHINGTON, D.C., November 18, 2011 – The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI) Board of Directors welcomed executives from Henkel Consumer Goods Inc. and Novozymes as its newest members of ACI’s governing body. Eric…
Brought to you in partnership with:  Experts agree that frequent hand washing is one of the first lines of defense against illness. Along with hand washing, ensuring surfaces that you come into contact are free of germs is another important line of defense against the spread of germs or pathogens (disease causing bacteria, viruses or fungi). High touch surfaces such as door knobs, switches, and shopping cart handles are some places where cleaning may not be enough to…
This tool is an online database that serves as a resource for information related to the safety of ingredients used in household cleaning products. Search About FAQ Resources   #page-wrap { width: 730px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #all > ul { list-style: none; float: left; width: 174px; height: 88px…
Tensânmetry: Revterv of Literature and ResuLts of Initial Experinents for The Adsorption of SurfacLants A Research Project Sponsored by The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue Souch Nenr York, New York L001-6 Fred B. Rea and John C. fJestall Departrnent of ChemisÈry Oregon StaÈe Unlversity Corvallís, Oregon 97331-4003(503) 754-259L March 1, L989 by INTRODUCÎION Here we present a brÍef overvÍew of our work on tensammetry for the determination of the actlvlty of…