The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (578)

The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is active in states that have a legislative, regulatory or executive mandate on cleaning product procurement in a given jurisdiction. ACI has been substantially engaged in environmentally preferable procurement issues. ACI is recognized for its contributions in many areas including standards development, and work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on developing its environmentally preferable purchasing guidance. ACI encourages market-based…
February 8, 2019
CHANGES IN EEFLUENT PHOSPHORUS CONCN'ITRATIONS FOLLOIIING IHPLEHnÌTATION OF TITE T{ARYI^AIID PHOSPHATE DETERGEITT BAN prepared for Soap and Detergent Assoclatlon New York, New York by [I111iam Lt. I{a]-ker, Jr. , Ph. D. Environmental Engineer LL27 L.o',tell Road Concord, Massachusetts 0I742 SepÈember 1987 INIRODUCTION A recent report prepared by the Maryland l.Iater ManagementAdministration (sellars et aI.,1987) describes results of serrage effluent…
American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and “The Germ Guy” Jason Tetro Offer Tips on Keeping Clean, Healthy and Safe Washing with soap and water and regular cleaning, disinfecting and laundering routines should be “front and center,” says ACI Common sense cleaning, disinfecting and laundering practices should be front and center as the nation faces a “Triple Threat” of pandemic fatigue, cold and flu season and holiday crowds, according to the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). This comes on the…
November 20, 2020
TNFLUENCE OF INORGANIC AND ORGÀNIC NUTRISNT ENRICHMENT ON BLUE-GREEN AT,GAL ACTIVITY AND REI,ATIVE BIOMASS TN A EUTROPHTC SOUTHWEST MONTANA RESERVOTR by Thonas David MíLIer A thesis submitted in partíal fulfill¡¡entof the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in . Biological Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozenan, Montana August L99L lt This thesís has been read by each ¡ne¡nber of the thesis con¡nittee and has been found to ¡e satisfactory regarding content',…
  Make your own mini-book: The Art of Sciences & Bubbles is now available in a downloadable PDF format.       Combine water and detergent. Stir well, but do not shake. For stronger bubbles, add ½ cup corn syrup or glycerin, or more detergent. Experiment with different brands of dishwashing detergent until you find one that works best for you. HINT: Playing with bubbles can be messy and slippery! Try blowing bubbles outdoors, near the kitchen sink, or in the bathtub! Watch…
February 8, 2019
R E S E A R C H R E P O R T : E Y E IRRITATION AND SURFACTANT PROPERTIES O F NONIONIC SURFACTANTS Part 2. In Vivo Test Results February 23, 1998 Prepared for: Non-Animal Testing Research Subcommittee Biomedical Research Committee Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 John E . Heinze, Ph.D. Technical Consultant Nonionic Surfactants Report: Part 2. In Vivo Test Results CONTENTS Page E X E C U T I V E SUMMARY 5 INTRODUCTION 7…
You may have heard about a proposed bill in New York City that would restrict the use of polyvinyl alcohol, (also known as PVA or PVOH), a water-soluble polymer used to make sustainable laundry and automatic dishwasher detergent packets. This legislation is due to a campaign launched by the company Blueland to discredit polyvinyl alcohol use in detergents, despite decades of proof on safe use. We're diving into the science to separate myth from fact…
February 26, 2024
.i : 'l i-aI' l-J rì IL II ¡ LJ r'1t1j LJ -"t : -,.j -.1 rE l1 TJ n u n[d fi n L{ ffi u f'l¡tTJ rlt:tiLN n TJ EFFECT OF POINT SOÜRTE CONTROL .oN PHOSPHOR{TS LOA,DS TO THE EHESAPEAKE BÅ,Y Prepared for THE SOÀP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION New York, NY Januaryr 1985 By l,lu-Seng Lung, PhDTPE Consulting Environmental Engineer CharloÈtesvíIle, VA i'i .- i i ,li¡ L. Introduction Eutrophication is considered the major concern of the Chesapeake Bay due to…
The American Cleaning Institute’s 2019 Convention was the place to be for anyone in the cleaning products industry. The 2019 Convention hosted more than 1,040 attendees from 180 companies and 27 countries. This annual event provides attendees the opportunity to network, attend business-to-business meetings and learn about new trends and developments taking place within the cleaning products industry.  Speaker Sessions In addition to the ACI Committee meetings, there were several other…
March 11, 2019
The American Cleaning Institute’s 2019 Convention was the place to be for anyone in the cleaning products industry. The 2019 Convention hosted more than 1,040 attendees from 180 companies and 27 countries. This annual event provides attendees the opportunity to network, attend business-to-business meetings and learn about new trends and developments taking place within the cleaning products industry.  Speaker Sessions In addition to the ACI Committee meetings, there were several other…
March 11, 2019