The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1299)

Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers. Laundry Safety…
Existing Chemical CAS No. EINECS Name EC No. Molecular Weight Molecular Formula Producer related part Company Creation date Substance related part Company Creation date Status Memo Printing date Revision date Date of last update Number of pages Chapter (profile) Reliability (profile) Flags (profile) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I U C L I D Data Set ID: 101-20-2 101-20-2 triclocarban 202-924-1 315.59 C13H9Cl3N2O TCC…
Experienced Environmental Scientist Appointed to New Role at Leading Cleaning Product Trade Group The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) announced the appointment of Nathan Sell as Senior Director, Sustainability. In this role, Mr. Sell will be responsible for leading, developing, and executing all facets of the ACI sustainability program, which began with an initial set of aspirational principles in 2004 and has evolved into a series of initiatives promoting…
You teach them to read. You teach them to look both ways before crossing the street … and to be kind to others, and to brush their teeth before bed. But have you taught your kids how to do the dishes? Cleaning up after oneself is an important life skill – something that every child should learn, not just to endear themselves to future roommates or spouses, but to feel like a contributing member of the family unit. Children may grumble at first, but ultimately…
Good Housekeeping's Discover Cleaning 2021: Cleaning is Caring Summit is a virtual event in partnership with the American Cleaning Institute designed to address the cleaning concerns of today’s time-pressed consumers and highlight the latest advancements in the world of clean. Watch the recap. Wed, 10/27/2021 - 13:00 Wed, 10/27/2021 - 16:00
A Finol Report Eutrophlcstlon Modeling of Jomes Estuory, Vlrginlo Submitted to: The Soop ond Detergent Associotion 475 Pork Avenue South of J2nd Street New York. tff 10016 Rfc+npnd Cålc*drornlrry Rfvr submitted by: Hqr¡c¡mnd Wu-Seng Lung, PhD,pE Principol lnvestigotor December 1gE7 75ilillltr-r SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLI ED SCI ENCE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENG¡NEERING UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 2290I A Finql Report Eutrophicqtion llodeling of Jomes Estuoly…
Research Shows Method to be Precise, Accurate Article published in Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, co-authored by American Cleaning Institute A new study co-authored by the American Cleaning Institute is showcasing a new method to evaluate exceedingly low levels of 1,4-dioxane precisely and accurately in finished cleaning products. The research, “A novel protocol for quantitative determination of 1,4-dioxane in finished
Duck race enthusiasts flock each year to the JW Marriott’s Lazy River for the Charity Duck Race, sponsored by Shell Chemical LP. Decorated ducks "swim" down the Lazy River towards the finish line with their cheer squad on the sidelines, raising money for the WASH Foundation. Purchase a Duck…
PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS BETWEEN JAMES RIVER AND CHESAPEAKE BAY Chiu-Shia Fen December 1988 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE D E P A R T M E N T O F CIVIL E N G I N E E R I N G UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CHARLOTTESVILCE, VIRGINIA 22901 PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS BETWEEN JAMES RIVER AND CHESAPEAKE BAY A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science University of Virginia In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree Master…
Materiality assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of the risks and opportunities most significant to a company’s mid- to long-term success. In 2015, ACI became one of the first organizations to perform such an analysis on an industry-wide basis. Doing so has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability issues that matter most to companies and stakeholders. Now we are using this…