The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (578)

r(' ( PHOSPHORUS LOADS DISCHARGED FROI{ THE POTWS IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY DR,IINAGE BASIN Prepared for THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIAÎION New York, Ny t'larch, 1984. By I,Iu-Seng Lung, phD, pE Consulcing Environrrlenra I EngineerChartrottesville, V¿t 22901, t -ì ,( TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Purpose 2. Sources of Data 3. Development of Default Effluent Phosphorus ConcentratÍons 4. Phosphorus Loads from POTÍ.ls ln Chesapeake Bay Region 5. References Appendix…
Washington, D.C. – March 12, 2019 – According to a recent survey by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), more than 75 percent of American households participate in the annual ritual of spring cleaning. While the primary reasons cited for spring cleaning are to reduce clutter, remove asthma or allergy triggers and prevent the spread of illness, the Packets Up! campaign urges parents and caregivers to consider one additional reason – home safety. This is particularly important…
March 12, 2019
November 17, 2020 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Honorable Jerry Moran Honorable Richard Blumenthal Chair Ranking Member Committee on Commerce, Science Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation & Transportation United States Senate United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senators Moran and Blumenthal, On behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), I am pleased to provide the following…
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a widely used surfactant in cleaning products, cosmetic, and personal care products. SLS's uses in these products have been thoroughly evaluated and determined to be safe for consumers and the environment. What Is SLS? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), also known as Sodium dodecyl sulfate, is a…
December 6, 2018
21 January 2021 Emily Dominiak Project Lead Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-7253 (via email: RE: 1,4-Dioxane Limits for Household Cleansing, Personal Care, and Cosmetic Products Dear Ms. Dominiak: The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI)1 is pleased to provide the following comments regarding New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYS DEC’s) implementation of rules to…
By Electronic Mail October 19, 2021 Brian Deese Director National Economic Council Dear Mr. Deese: The Biden-Harris Administration’s recently issued outline, American Pandemic Preparedness: Transforming Our Capabilities, provides important insight into the whole-of-government work underway to ensure the U.S. responds rapidly and effectively in the event of a future pandemic. We are writing to both commend your efforts and to advocate for our industries…
© American Cleaning Institute 2012 Final Report Fatty Alcohols in the Riverine Environment: The effect of wastewater treatment type and Eco-region A study of the fatty alcohols in the influent, effluent and sediments associated with municipal wastewater treatment plants in Oklahoma, Ohio and Oregon, USA. Prepared for the American Cleaning Institute by Stephen M. Mudge August 2012 © American Cleaning Institute 2012 2…
Ahead of Upcoming Holiday Shopping Season, Research Reflects Americans are Ready to Go Back In-Store, if Proper Cleaning Protocols are In Place American Cleaning Institute Healthy Returns Program Provides Businesses with Concise Reminders on Cleaning to Keep Customers, Employees Healthy and Safe Findings from a recent national survey unveils strong consumer confidence in business cleanliness, with two-thirds of Americans (65%) saying businesses are cleaning enough. The findings from the…
November 16, 2020
ACI-Commissioned Poll Results Reinforce Importance of Using Disinfecting Sprays, Wipes As Directed to Ensure Virus Kill 8 in 10 Americans Are Confident in Ability of Cleaning Products to Protect Against Coronavirus A new poll conducted for the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds that four in ten Americans are not properly allowing disinfectant sprays and wipes to kill the viruses and germs that can make us sick. The survey, conducted by Ipsos for ACI (cleaninginstitute.…
March 26, 2020
Honor Presented at 2020 ACI Convention ACI CEO: Rob Bartolo “Defines Selflessness, Dedication and Commitment” Dr. Robert Bartolo, Director - Global Product Stewardship at Procter & Gamble, is the 2020 recipient of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Elva Walker Spillane Distinguished Service Award. The honor was presented at the 2020 ACI Annual Meeting & Industry Convention. Dr. Bartolo is being recognized for his exceptional contributions to the cleaning products industry…
January 24, 2020