The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (578)

I OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNLTY IN BY NUTRIENTS AND ZOOPLANKTON FINAL REPORT I 30 JUNE, 1990 Craig N. Spencer Research Assistant Professor Flathead Lake Biological Station University of Montana Polson, MT 59860 OFCONTENTS Page An inexpensive,deep-water limnocorral .................................................................. that cqmpensates for wave actions 1 Co-li itation by phosphorus and nitrogen, and e "; fects of…
ACI Distinguished Paper Award Presented at AOCS Annual Meeting Findings can be Used for Screening and Development of New Detergents Research that could be used for screening and developing new detergents based on biomimetic membranes has been recognized as the best paper published in 2021 in the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents. The authors were recognized during the 2022 American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting, held May 1-4 in Atlanta, Georgia. The Distinguished Paper…
May 3, 2022
The cleaning product supply chain increased production, worked around the clock to meet increased demand and provided crucial information on proper product use as the coronavirus pandemic drastically challenged the national landscape, said the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) in comments to a Senate panel examining manufacturers’ response to COVID-19. In a letter to the leaders of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, ACI said that “the proper use of cleaning products has…
November 17, 2020
ACI Announces the "Home Safety: When Safety Comes First, You Last" Program, the 2016 Recipient of the Clean and Healthy Families & Communities Award Award Recipients Congratulations to team lead, Rachel Hubbard, and team members, Sylvia Davis, Mitzi Parker, Suzanne Williams, Roxie Price, Kayla Craft and Andrea Scarrow, all educators from Georgia with Southwest District FACS Agents, who are being honored for their "Home Safety: When Safety Comes First, You Last" …
February 4, 2019
ACI Convention Charity Events to Benefit "Clean the World" Clean the World Recycles Soaps, Hygiene Products, Provides Much Needed Resources to Communities in Need 2018 ACI Convention to Feature Charity Duck Race, Golf Tourney, Hygiene Kit Washington, D.C. – October 31, 2017 – Clean the World, a leader in global health which recycles discarded hygiene products and distributes them to children and families in need, will be the charity of choice at the 2018 American Cleaning Institute…
February 4, 2019
Since 1926, ACI has cooperated with schools, health agencies, industry and other organizations to get the job done. Over the years, our work has been possible because of our ability to build and sustain partnerships. Today, relationship building continues to be the backbone of ACI. We have relationships with many organizations in other countries, including ABIPLA, ACCORD Australasia, AISE, JSDA, CCSPA, CANIPEC, CCIA, TSDA, CASIC, ALIADA and IHPCIA through INCPA, CEFIC and its Sector Groups (e.…
January 29, 2019
EHEMICAL TREATMENT AND ENHANCED BIOLOû]CAL REMOVAL OF PHOSPHATES AT WASTEhJATER TRIATMENT PLANTS A LITERATURI SURVEY AND COST ANALYSIS The Soap and Detergent Assocìatjon February 24, 1984 A SHORT SUMMARY Chemical treatment is a pract'ical and effective means of removìng phosphate and other waste constituents from sewage. A number of items of fact which support this conclusion are listed below (page references are for the attached survey): CHEMICAL TREATMINT IS A SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL…
"l'fodelíng the Report Blue-Green A1ga1 Bloom in the Neuse River Submi.tted to: The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South at 32nd Streer New York, Ny 10016 AtÈention: Dr. Keith A. Booman Technical Director Submitted by: Wu-Seng Lung Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering University of Virginia and Hans h¡. Paerl Professor Institute of lfaríne Sciences University of North Carolína Report No. UVA/53IO76/CEB6/ I}t lfarch 1986 Estuarytt ãIllilrtt-r…
American Cleaning Institute Highlights Important Reminders for National Baby Safety Month Visit For Key Safety Tips This National Baby Safety Month, as parents grapple with the continued stress and distractions caused by pandemic parenting, remote working and lack of child care options, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) urges families to remain mindful of important baby and toddler safety habits when it comes to cleaning throughout the home. While…
September 2, 2021
ADSORPTION v 2649G (V 2648G) THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION (SDA) New York, NY FINAL REPORT WESTON Study Ns 96-005 WESTON W.O. Ne 05821-007-001 Testing Facility ROY F. WESTON, INC. Fate and Effect Laboratory 254 Welsh Pool Road Lionville, Pennsylvania L9341-I345 Kar'Hl Marks Quality Assurance Coordinator Laboratory Manager Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page PROJECTPARTICIPANTS ..... iv COMPLIANCE/QUALITY ASSIJRANCE STATEMENTS 1 EXECUTTVE SI.IMMARY 2…