Results (1296)
American Cleaning Institute Responds to New Study Addressing Accidental Exposures to Liquid Laundry Packets
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following response to a new study – published in the journal Pediatrics – that examined calls to poison control centers related to accidental exposures to liquid laundry…
American Cleaning Institute’s Class of Clean: A College Student’s Guide to Cleaning provides free, online resources from stain removal 101 to sick roommate cleaning tips
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The sophomore year of the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI), Class of Clean is now in session. The” College Student’s…
Clean and Happy Nest shares tips, tricks and expert advice with the public in mind – especially families with young children – with hopes that our ideas and information lead to cleaner, happier, and better lives. Our blog posts are based on research and expert opinion and designed to inspire people to take on cleaning projects – no matter how small – to enhance happiness and…
Do the Dishes Every Day
Help kids think of "doing the dishes" as a daily routine. Cleaning up every night makes for a brighter morning … makes the work easier, as it prevents additional "stuck-on messes" to be scrubbed, and even helps reduce bugs and other pests in the kitchen!
Be extra careful when handling kitchen knives! Don’t pile them in the sink; instead, wash them one by one and…
If your parents and grandparents taught you how to clean, their best practices may no longer be best given today’s innovations in cleaning products and appliances. We debunk some cleaning myths.
Q. Approximately what percentage of the time that you do laundry do you use cold, warm, and hot water? Please consider the temperature used for the main wash cycle?
44% say they wash their laundry in cold water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry.
30% say they wash their laundry in warm water 50% or more of the time that they do …
Family life runs more smoothly when there is a shared responsibility for the housework. Whether it's a simple effort like putting dirty clothes in the hamper or a major job like washing the kitchen floor, almost every family member can contribute in some way that fits his/her age and other responsibilities. These guidelines help everyone in the family find a way to pitch in and make doing the housework easier and less of a one-person chore.Practice Prevention Keep…
Q: This year my resolution is to do a better job keeping my home clean and organized. Things always get so cluttered once the kids go back to school after the holidays. Do you have tips for how to start the year off on the right foot?
The New Year is a great time to reset your cleaning routines and put some new organizational systems in place. Here are my top five …