Results (1315)
With a little preparation, you can be ready to enjoy a stress-free picnic.
When preparing or serving food in the great outdoors, there are a few extra steps and considerations that you may not have at home or even in your backyard. Food needs to be stored properly to be safely consumed during your al fresco meal. Spills and stains have more time to set before they can get to the laundry. And you need to be prepared to clean up thoroughly to leave things better than you found…
ACI introduces the Class of Clean: Senior Year with New Resources and Tools to Prepare for Life After Graduation
Review Survey Findings Here
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Nearly 7 out of 10 college seniors (68%) said they felt no more prepared to clean as seniors as they did when they were freshmen, according to a new survey from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). These findings show that seniors still have to pass…
No matter the type of product you are using (soap or detergent), good cleaning takes a lot of energy. Three different kinds to be exact:
Chemical energy, provided by the soap or detergent
Mechanical energy, provided by a machine or by hand
Thermal energy, provided by heating water Let’s look at how all these elements work together.
Assume we have a great, big, oily, greasy stain on one of our favorite shirts. Water alone is not enough to remove the stain…
You use your cell phone every day. It goes from your pocket or purse to your face. You hand it to your kid to play a game, take it into the bathroom with you and leave it by your bed at night. And everywhere your phone goes, germs follow. In fact, a recent study found that phones have, on average, 10X more bacteria than most toilet seats. Ewww!
Wash your hands before using your phone to minimize grime and germs. In addition, here are some simple tips…
How to wash dishes by hand:
Prep - scrape off food
Fill - get some clean, hot, soapy water
Wash - scrub them, under the water
Rinse - wash off all suds and residue
Dry - air dry or towel dry
There are two common ways to hand wash dishes: by "diluting" dish detergent in a sink or dishpan filled with water, or by squirting detergent directly onto a sponge or the dirty dish (called the "neat" method). Whichever dishwashing method you choose,…
The American Cleaning Institute suggests these tips for more sustainable and better living:
Simply Sustainable
Avoid Wasting Product:
Read labels and use the recommended amount of cleaning product.
Use cleaning products until they are finished, to reduce unnecessary waste.
Reduce Water and Energy Used:
Turn off the water tap between tasks.…
Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers…
The use of the terms "natural" and "synthetic" to describe cleaning products has led to some confusion among consumers. The best advice is to avoid making assumptions about safety or performance based on a "natural" label alone.
What do the terms "synthetic" and "natural" really…
En Español
Child care is essential for millions of working parents and caregivers across the country. The C Is for Clean: Building Blocks of Health Child Care toolkit is designed to serve all members of the child care community, from providers and employees to children and parents/caregivers, echoing public health guidelines for disinfecting, cleaning and reinforcing…
Ahead of Upcoming Holiday Shopping Season, Research Reflects Americans are Ready to Go Back In-Store, if Proper Cleaning Protocols are In Place
American Cleaning Institute Healthy Returns Program Provides Businesses with Concise Reminders on Cleaning to Keep Customers, Employees Healthy and Safe
Findings from a recent national survey unveils strong consumer confidence in business cleanliness, with two-thirds of Americans (65%) saying…