The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1300)

R E S E A R C H R E P O R T : E Y E IRRITATION AND SURFACTANT PROPERTIES OF NONIONIC SURFACTANTS Part I . In Vitro Test Results February 23, 1998 Prepared for: Non-Animal Testing Research Subcommittee Biomedical Research Committee Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 John E . Heinze, Ph.D. Technical Consultant Nonionic Surfactants Report: Part I . In Vitro Test Results Contents Page Summary 3 Introduction 5 Literature review…
ACI Launches National PSA and Online Resources to Demonstrate Cleaning and Caring Connection The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched Cleaning is CaringTM – a new campaign to communicate the value of cleaning in today’s society as a way to protect one another from the spread of illness and encourage consumers to maintain proper cleaning behaviors adopted during the pandemic. ACI’s…
ENVIRONMENTAL and HUMAN SAFETY of MAJOR SURFACTANTS Alcohol Ethoxylates and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates Sylvia S. Talmage Health Sciences Research Oi"sion Oak Ridge Nalion~ Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee (SOA) The Soap and Detergent Association I ) Library orCongres.s Catuloging.ln.Publil:lllion DUlli Talmage. Sylvia S. Environmenlal and human sorely Ilf major surfaclants : ;IlcohoJ clhoxylmes nnd olkylphcDol clho;l;ylotes I a repan [0 [he Soap Mil…
Simultaneous Precipitation of Orthophosphate in Activated Sludge Systems with A l ( I I I ) By Dianne Dolores Gates B.S. (Oklahoma State University) 1982 M.S. (University of California) 1987 D I S S E R T A T I O N Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of D O C T O R O F P H I L O S O P H Y in E N C I N E E R I N C C I V I L E N C I N E E R I N C in the G R A D U A T E D I V I S I O N of the U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I F O R N I A at…
HUMAN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF MAJOR SliRFACTANTS (SUPPLEMENT) I .I I MURIEL M. GOYER, AREPORT BY JOANNE H. PERWAK, ANDREW SIVAK, PHILIP S. THAYER ARTHUR D, UTILE, INC. TO THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ADL REFERENCE 84048 FEBRUARY 20, 1981 Arthur DLittle Inc This report was prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. I for the Soap and Detergent Association, Incorporated. The material in it reflects the best jUdgment of Arthur D. Little, Inc., in the…
Q: My son's sneakers always get so dirty in summer. Can I launder them in the washing machine?  A: Most shoe manufacturers discourage machine washing sneakers. Some detergents and the machine's agitation may damage many leathers and adhesives. But, some shoes can be cleaned in your washing machine. Your best bet is to read and follow the care instructions inside the sneaker. If there are no instructions, here are some basic instructions for cleaning most…
Online Initiative Features Weekly Messages on Cleaning Product Ingredients and Benefits #DiscoverClean Hashtag to Be Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Discover Clean initiative, which will feature updated insights and information on cleaning products across ACI’s social media channels. “In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people are using cleaning…
OECD SIDS LONG CHAIN ALCOHOLS 1 SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 22 Paris, France, 18 – 21 April 2006 TOME 2: SIDS Dossiers Category Name Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) 1. and 2. Chemical CAS no. Chemical name Names and CAS numbers 111-27-3 1-Hexanol 111-87-5 1-Octanol 112-30-1 1-Decanol 112-42-5 1-Undecanol 112-70-9 1-Tridecanol 112-72-1 1-Tetradecanol 629-76-5 1-Pentadecanol 36653-82-4 1-Hexadecanol 143-28-2 9-Octadecen-1-ol…
Q. My child plays little league baseball, and his socks and uniform get so dirty. What’s the best way to clean them? A. First, pretreat with a prewash stain remover. Look for a stain remover that contains enzymes to remove the grass stains. Then, launder in the hottest water that’s safe for the fabric, using a bleach that’s safe for the fabric. Repeat procedure if necessary. For dirt stains, brush off as much residue as possible. (If the dirt is actually mud, let the…