Results (1225)
ACI and Good Housekeeping’s Third Annual Cleaning Summit Takes Place October 26
Register for This Free, Virtual Event at:
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping are coming together again for the 2022 Discover Cleaning Summit: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. Registration is now open for the free, virtual event, which will be held on October…
ACI member sustainability challenge contributes to nonprofit bringing clean water into underserved communities
For the second year, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) led social media challenge, ‘Our Future is Clean,’ highlighted the sustainability efforts across the cleaning products industry. The challenge kicked off on September 17 in coordination with Climate Week and ran through October 31.
To participate, member…
Keeping clean and healthy when you are not at home is important. Get school cleaning resources, including tips for students and custodians.
Clean Hands at School
Kids get dirty, it's true... but cleaning your hands before eating and after using the restroom can help you stay healthy. Learn when, why and how you…
There's lots to teach about cleaning! The origins of personal cleanliness date back to prehistoric times. Since water is essential for life, the earliest people lived near water and knew something about its cleansing properties - at least that it rinsed mud off their hands. And clean hands keep you from sharing germs. Browse ACI's publications for teacher resources.
Free, Online Resources Prepare College Students Keeping Clean On and Off Campus
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Do college students know how to clean? The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) aims to answer yes to that question with its brand new Class of Clean: The College Student’s Guide to Cleaning toolkit, which provides concise, step-by-step information and guidance to help keep…
Ingredient labels contain a lot of information. They have a list of ingredients, but they also need room for directions and important safety messages. Smart consumers can get additional information from company websites to find out more about those ingredients, including where they are sourced and the role they play in making that product effective. Learn more about the formulations in your favorite soaps and home cleaning products with these resources from the…
Q How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health? A. Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow.In addition, cleaning and…