Results (1243)
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
Environmentally Preferable Procurement
Hazard Communication
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
The shelf life of disinfectants is approximately 1 year. The one year of effectiveness typically begins with the manufacture date. The expiration date is there because over time the active ingredient (the chemical doing the advertised action) may degrade. After the expiration date the product may no longer be doing the work you expect it to, so make sure to use the product prior to the expiration date. Anything you could want to know about a product can be found either printed on the label,…
30+ Trade Groups say lack of testing could negatively impact supply chains
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) was among the signers of letters sent by more than 30 trade associations to President Biden and the National Governors Association calling for the prioritization of COVID tests for critical infrastructure employees.
The Critical Infrastructure Supply Chain Council (CISCC) is a coordinated effort of over 30 trade organizations committed to addressing both long- and…
A new year is a chance for a clean slate and a clean home. Our checklist can help you set a new schedule.
Read Press Release
Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
78% Every year
8% Every other year
5% Every few years
3% Less often than every few years
7% I never spring clean
Q. For which of the following reasons do you not spring clean?
(asked among those who never spring clean)
40% My home doesn’t look dirty
39% I’d rather spend my time doing other things
13% I don’t have enough…
Q. Approximately what percentage of the time that you do laundry do you use cold, warm, and hot water? Please consider the temperature used for the main wash cycle?
44% say they wash their laundry in cold water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry.
30% say they wash their laundry in warm water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry.
23% say they wash their laundry in hot water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry.
Q. How often do you rinse…