The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1295)

THE NPD GROUP, INC C U S T O M & S Y N D I C A T E D R E S E A R C H CONSUMER DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS MARCH, 1995 Prepared for: The Soap and Detergent Association NEW YORK: 900 West Shore Road, Port Washington, New York 11050-0402/516-625-0700 CHICAGO: 1300 West Higgins Rood, Pork Ridge, Illinois 60068-5798/708-692-6700 CINCINNATI: 250 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202/513-762-7627 HOUSTON: 820 Gessner, Suite 830, Houston, Texas 77024/…
THE NPD GROUP, INC C U S T O M & S Y N D I C A T E D R E S E A R C H CONSUMER DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS MARCH, 1995 Prepared for: The Soap and Detergent Association NEW YORK: 900 West Shore Road, Port Washington, New York 11050-0402/516-625-0700 CHICAGO: 1300 West Higgins Rood, Pork Ridge, Illinois 60068-5798/708-692-6700 CINCINNATI: 250 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202/513-762-7627 HOUSTON: 820 Gessner, Suite 830, Houston, Texas 77024/…
Brought to you in partnership with:  Experts agree that frequent hand washing is one of the first lines of defense against illness. Along with hand washing, ensuring surfaces that you come into contact are free of germs is another important line of defense against the spread of germs or pathogens (disease causing bacteria, viruses or fungi). High touch surfaces such as door knobs, switches, and shopping cart handles are some places where cleaning may not be enough to…
  Click images below to download your digital copy, print and share our hygiene messages.   Be sure to share the results of the coloring sheets on social media using the hashtag #HealthySchoolsHealthyPeople!   At Your Finger-Tips: Cold & Flu Prevention   Activity & Coloring Sheets   Going Beyond Green to be Clean Keep Germs Away on St. Patrick…
<p>The following question was asked of 1,008 American adults (500 men and 508 women). The independent consumer research study was completed February 25-28, on behalf of The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA), by Echo Research. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.</p><p><strong>Do you regularly engage in spring cleaning?</strong></p><p><strong&…
By following some quick and easy steps, doing laundry can be safer for your entire household. Print this flyer and post it by your washer, so that everyone doing laundry knows how to best use and store the products that keep your family’s clothes clean and fresh. Choose to do laundry at the right time when you can give it your full attention without distractions. Keep products in their original containers with the label intact. Do not use empty product…
To minimize your chances of getting the flu from sick co-workers, students or fellow commuters, make sure you practice proper handwashing habits. While you can't control every germ in your environment, there are actions you can take to help keep you and your family from getting sick. Be particularly vigilant during the fall and winter months, when colds and flu are at their peak. Here are some important steps: Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread…
.i : 'l i-aI' l-J rì IL II ¡ LJ r'1t1j LJ -"t : -,.j -.1 rE l1 TJ n u n[d fi n L{ ffi u f'l¡tTJ rlt:tiLN n TJ EFFECT OF POINT SOÜRTE CONTROL .oN PHOSPHOR{TS LOA,DS TO THE EHESAPEAKE BÅ,Y Prepared for THE SOÀP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION New York, NY Januaryr 1985 By l,lu-Seng Lung, PhDTPE Consulting Environmental Engineer CharloÈtesvíIle, VA i'i .- i i ,li¡ L. Introduction Eutrophication is considered the major concern of the Chesapeake Bay due to nutrient enrichment…
Officers Re-Elected: P&G’s Sundar Raman as Chair, Stepan’s Scott Behrens as Vice Chair 22 Directors Elected During 2020 ACI Convention New Directors Include Liliana De Stefano, Firmenich; Jessica McCoy, GOJO Industries; Suzanne Carroll, Nouryon; Eric Stouder, Sasol Four executives joined the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Board of Directors as the Association elected its 2020 slate of leaders for the trade association of the cleaning product…
Program Finalized, Speakers Added for ACI Workshop on New Test Methods for Cleaning Product Safety   March 2 Event Brings Together Experts Reviewing Latest In Vitro Methods to Assess Respiratory Irritation Event Registration is Open on ACI’s Website Washington, D.C. – February 16, 2023 – An in-depth agenda has been finalized and new speakers added to the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) March 2 workshop, “New Approach Methods (NAMs) for the…