The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1315)

ACI Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety Initiative Available at Initiative Showcases Environmental Data on Cleaning Product Ingredients Website is Significant Transparency Initiative for the Cleaning Products Industry Environmental data on 200+ chemicals in the U.S. consumer cleaning product supply chain are now available, in pilot phase, through the American Cleaning…
The cleaning product supply chain increased production, worked around the clock to meet increased demand and provided crucial information on proper product use as the coronavirus pandemic drastically challenged the national landscape, said the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) in comments to a Senate panel examining manufacturers’ response to COVID-19. In a letter to the leaders of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, ACI said that “the…
During National Safety Month, ACI Urges Parents to Store Liquid Laundry Packets in Their Original Packaging, Developed to Help Deter Accidental Poisonings During the pandemic, with many Americans wanting to beautify the homes they were spending so much time in, laundry room makeovers became a more popular trend – and there are no signs of it letting up. As National Safety Month gets underway, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is reminding everyone not to forget the common…
Free, Virtual Event Takes Place October 14, 2020 As the pandemic has demonstrated that cleaning and hygiene products are more essential than ever, two expert voices are joining together to host their first-ever joint summit, Discover Cleaning – Inside & Out on October 14, 2020. The American Cleaning Institute and Good Housekeeping are the forces behind the virtual event, bringing together cleaning
Q. I try to keep my home clean while raising toddlers, but it’s not easy. They’re into everything! How can I keep my house clean and safe at the same time? We understand, as a young mother, it’s tough balancing your cleaning routine, managing children’s busy schedules and all of the other things on your list. Children can be curious and may like to explore new things they find around a home. To help keep them safe and prevent accidents, teach your children at…
Association Joins Coalition Efforts Urging Leaders to Ensure Manufacturers Can Maintain Operations ACI CEO Calls on DOJ, FTC to Take Action Against Price Gougers Exploiting Access to Cleaning Products and Ingredients The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is urging government leaders to recognize critical manufacturing, especially the cleaning product supply chain, as “Essential Infrastructure” during the coronavirus crisis…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) hosted its largest Capitol Hill fly-in event on June 14 for member companies to engage with congressional offices on the need to establish a national standard for cleaning product ingredient communication. As consumers seek more information about their cleaning products, a national labeling standard for cleaning product ingredients would ensure this information is…
Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. Follow these cleaning tips and cleaning advice to safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, so that you can stay healthy, care for your home and make your surroundings more enjoyable. Where We Clean Get quick cleaning tips…
ACI Features Safety Programs at the World’s Largest Meeting Dedicated to the Field of Unintentional Childhood Injury Prevention ACI is Platinum Sponsor of #PrevCon2021 The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is joining hundreds of top safety experts and partners virtually at the Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Convention (PrevCon) for a week of conversation focused on preventing unintentional childhood injuries. As the Platinum Sponsor of PrevCon 2021 (July 12…
                               “With a severe flu season underway and the threat of a global pandemic, it’s important to avoid confusion among parents and other consumers that would prevent them from using the very disinfectants that are proven to effectively kill germs and therefore protect public health during times like these.” The…