The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1263)

This week is National Poison Prevention Week and we are raising awareness about the precautions to take now to help create a safe environment year-round.
American Cleaning Institute’s Class of Clean: A College Student’s Guide to Cleaning provides free, online resources from stain removal 101 to sick roommate cleaning tips See All Survey Findings Here Download the Toolkit: The sophomore year of the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI), Class of Clean is now in session. The” College Student’s Guide to Cleaning…
Family life runs more smoothly when there is a shared responsibility for the housework. Whether it's a simple effort like putting dirty clothes in the hamper or a major job like washing the kitchen floor, almost every family member can contribute in some way that fits his/her age and other responsibilities. Everyone in the family can find a way to pitch in and make doing the housework easier and less of a one-person chore, regardless of experience level. Here Is a Basic Cleaning…
If you take public transportation, this is a place where germs can spread quickly, especially during cold and flu season. Washing your hands before and after your commute can help. If you bike to work, be sure to wash any grease off your hands when you get to work. If you’ve gotten grease on your clothes, take care of the stain until you have a chance to go home and do laundry (always following the fabric care label). Dab a very small amount of liquid hand soap on…
Q: Because they can be uncomfortable and not always safe, last year I convinced my kids to forgo masks in favor of face paint and other makeup to create their Halloween "personas." It was a great success and we're doing it again this year. The only problem is the makeup stains on their outfits. Some stain-removal help, please! A: Stains from face paint, makeup, hair gel and lipstick can all be treated with a prewash stain…
Sorting it Out The space age has entered today's wash-a-day world. Just sort and pretreat your laundry ... touch the right buttons or dials on your washer and dryer ... match up the wash loads to the right laundry products ... then walk away - and let your laundry problems wash away! All it takes is the know-how of sorting it all out, and that's exactly what this information is all about. Let it help you get…
Q: Pie is always a favorite dessert in our house. So when we found out that January 23rd is National Pie Day, we thought it was a great excuse for a dessert party! We'd like to make it a fun evening, maybe with checked tablecloths and napkins. But we realize that inviting a bunch of people over to eat pie is also an invitation to stains. How do we get rid of them (the stains, not the guests!)?  A: Blueberry, cherry, boysenberry, strawberry, apple…
Follow These Rules for Keeping Uniforms Spotless Keeping school, work and sports uniforms looking their best starts in the laundry room! By following these basic guidelines, you can help a uniform to last the entire season – and even beyond. 1. Start with the "right fit." A too-tight uniform can cause excess perspiration (and resulting stains), and one that drags in the sleeves or hem can pick up extra soil. So when possible, try for a uniform that…
Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers.…