Results (1306)
It may be the holiday season, but it’s also cold and flu season. Keep illnesses from spreading through holidays into the New Year with these tips, for a cleaner and healthier for you and everyone around you.
Get a Flu Shot. While flu season starts to peak in November, the heaviest months for flu are December through March. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for the antibodies that provide protection against influenza infection to develop in the body. The Centers for…
Most of us have done it. We grab the dish liquid instead of the dishwasher detergent and have found ourselves with more suds that we bargained for. The American Cleaning Institute recommends these dishwashing clean-up steps:
If you catch this mistake before running the dishwasher, remove the dish liquid from the dispenser by wiping it out with a dry paper towel. You may need to follow up with a damp towel to remove any excess soap residue.
If you have run the dishwasher and…
Survey Finds Nearly a Third of Americans Have Seen Unsafe Storage on Social Media
Join the Conversation on Social Media with #StoreNotDecor
This September, as part of Baby Safety Month, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Safe Kids Worldwide are raising awareness of popular, but dangerous and unsafe cleaning product storage trends seen on social media.
With home organization trends on the rise, one trend in particular, displaying laundry…
Practicing good hygiene is an important part of defending ourselves against the coronavirus. By and large, we have been cleaning and disinfecting more than usual during the pandemic, a habit which we will likely continue as we enter a “new normal” following the height of the pandemic. There may be different reasons why you worry about “cleaning too much.” It could be that you’re worried about cost, the amount of product you’re using in your home, or the use of…
ACI and Good Housekeeping’s Third Annual Cleaning Summit Takes Place October 26
Register for This Free, Virtual Event at:
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping are coming together again for the 2022 Discover Cleaning Summit: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. Registration is now open for the free, virtual event, which will be held on October 26 at 1 PM EDT.…
Q. How likely are you, if at all, to do the following while gathering with friends and family during the holiday season?
89% will frequently wash their hands with soap and water
79% will use hand sanitizer
69% will disinfect frequently touched surfaces
53% will socially distance
53% will use alternative greetings (fist bumping/elbow bumping)
53% will wear a mask
Q. If hosting for the holidays, how concerned, if at all, are you about your guests' opinions of your home…