The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1323)

American Cleaning Institute Publishes Science-based Information on Water-Soluble Films Used in Single-Dose Laundry, Dish Detergent Products Materials Available at New online resources published by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) provide science-based information about the technology behind water-soluble films, which are used to contain compact, convenient, pre-measured doses of…
Labeling program directed to consumers, favored by many retailers The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) joined a diverse coalition of nearly 60 manufacturers and organizations asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to restore the Safer Choice Program. A letter was sent February 5 to EPA Acting Administrator Jane Nishida, voicing “strong support” for the program “as well as our concern for its long-term viability.” The Safer Choice Program allows companies to get…
Feb. 3 Session: Wall Street to Main Street: Cleaning Products in the Post-COVID Era ACI Convention Set for Jan. 31-Feb. 5, Orlando, FL Executives from Credit Suisse and Euromonitor International will bring informed perspectives from both the financial and consumer sectors to answer top of mind questions during a special session at the 2022 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Industry Convention. “Wall Street to Main Street: Cleaning…
Here at ACI, we have challenged our members to align their corporate climate strategy and targets with the 1.5°C ambition, which strives to reach net-zero global emissions by 2050. Across the cleaning products industry, companies are taking bold action to limit the global average temperature rise to less than 1.5°C. Milliken & Company has stepped up to the challenge. ACI spoke with Milliken's Deidre Sandrock, Director of Sustainability and…
1.5°C Challenge: 18 ACI member companies respond to industry trade’s challenge to align emissions reduction plans with a net zero (1.5°C) pathway. An additional 20 member companies have publicly committed to reach net zero by 2050. Time for transparency: Industry calls for federal standard governing cleaning product ingredient labeling. Recycling roadmap: Members set goal to achieve 75% recycling rate for cleaning product packaging waste by 2030. A new…
Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers. Laundry…
ACI Co-Led Session to Address Major Infection Control Conference ACI’s Paul DeLeo to Describe Pending Rule Changes That Could Affect Product Availability Washington, D.C. – June 14, 2017 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) will help infection control experts better understand the process and possible results from pending U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decisions on the safety and effectiveness of certain active ingredients used in healthcare…