The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1220)

Cleaning Chemistry Catalog provides resources on household cleaning product ingredients Unveiling of C3 Tool Underscores Theme of 2023 National Cleaning Week: Understanding Clean The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) kicked off National Cleaning Week (March 26 - April 1) by launching a redesigned database for the Cleaning Chemistry Catalog (C3), a resource that provides information related…
Table 9. Antibacterial MIC ranges for all isolates tested for susceptibility to TCC and TCS User Group TCC (ppm) TCS (ppm) CNS Non-users 0.0117-0.750 0.120-2.020 TCC-users 0.0234-0.750 0.004-2.020 TCS-users 0.0117-0.750 0.008-2.020 SA Non-users 0.0469-0.1875 0.510-2.020 TCC-users 0.0029-0.1875 0.120-1.010 TCS-users 0.0469-0.1875 1.010-2.020 Investigation of Antibiotic and Antibacterial Resistance in Staphylococcus from the Skin of Users…
Survey Results Q. Approximately how many hours per week, if any, do you typically spend cleaning? 10% Less than one hour 21% 1-2 hours 26% 3-4 hours 15% 5-6 hours 28% 7 hours or more The average number of hours we clean is six, with parents spending 7 hours per week on average.  Q. Which of the following concerns, if any, do you have about cleaning?  38% Preventing illness or allergy symptoms 34% Whether I’m…
Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and bacteria that commuted with you are transferred from your hands to your workstation. Ugh! And then, if…
Features CDC Expert Designed to Support Personnel in K-12 Schools and Early Care Education Schools play a central role in slowing the spread of diseases in communities by providing healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments for students. To support these efforts, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar covering best practices and key prevention strategies to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy. The free webinar, “Clean Hands and…
. THE IMPACT OF BANNING PHOSPHATI.COI{TAINING DETERÊENTs 0N THE l,lATEB QUALITY 0F rNLA}iD I,¡ISC0NSIN LAKES Frepared for The Soap and Detergent Association Nicho'las L. CJesceri, Ph,t. Bolton Landing, fi.Y, 128i4 February 1983 by TABLE OF CONTINTS Executìve Summary List of Fígures List of Tables . I. TNTRODUCTION-..-.. I I. BACKGR0UND-------- _-____-3 A. Lake Phylogeny and Cu'ltural Eutrophication--- -------_-__3 B. Nutrient Sources------- ------. __--___-5 C. Liml'ti ng…
The American Cleaning Institute is listening to families and communities who want to know more about the ingredients in their cleaning products. For moms and dads who want to know more than ever before about the products they use, SmartLabel is the digital shopping tool/app that gives access to timely updates on products across more store aisles and with more information than could ever fit standard labels. It’s the trusted information you’re looking for to…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) hosted its largest Capitol Hill fly-in event on June 14 for member companies to engage with congressional offices on the need to establish a national standard for cleaning product ingredient communication. As consumers seek more information about their cleaning products, a national labeling standard for cleaning product ingredients would ensure this information is consistent, transparent,…
Glycerine: an overview terms technical data properties performance The Soap and Detergent Association Glycerine & Oleochemical Division 475'Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10016 (212) 725-1262 F a : (212) 213-0685 The Soap and Detergent Association, its member companies, and others who have assisted in the preparation of the manuscript make no warranty and assume no liability with respect to the information contained herein. Copyright O 1990 by The Soap and…
Report from the Asthma Science Forum May 10, 2011           Industry Sponsored Asthma Science Forum                                                       Report of Workshop held May 10, 2011  Renaissance Capital View, Arlington, Virginia    Submitted to:  Asthma Scienc ng Committee     e Forum Steeri   Submitted by:    Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment  (Contact: Jacqueline Patterson,    January 17, 2012  Final    Copyright © 2012 American