The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1221)

TRAC '~.' ; .. - ~4 \...~ -"-",,,..­ ACUTE TOXICITY OF ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE TO HYALELLA. AZTECA IN SEDIMENT: EFFECf OF MANIPUlATION OF SEDIMENT ORGA..'lIC CONTENT WITH HUMIC ACID Toxicity Test Report Submitted to: Dr. Richard Sedlack The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Ave. South New York, ~ry 10016 Report Number B-393 TRAC Laboratories, Inc. October 1, 1993 113 Cedar St. P.O. Bos 215 Denton, TX 76201 TRAG LABORATORIES, ING. 2787 GULF BREEZE…
OECD SIDS LONG CHAIN ALCOHOLS 1 SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 22 Paris, France, 18 – 21 April 2006 TOME 1: SIAR Category Name Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) 1. and 2. Chemical CAS no. Chemical name Names and CAS numbers 111-27-3 1-Hexanol 111-87-5 1-Octanol 112-30-1 1-Decanol 112-42-5 1-Undecanol 112-70-9 1-Tridecanol 112-72-1 1-Tetradecanol 629-76-5 1-Pentadecanol 36653-82-4 1-Hexadecanol 143-28-2 9-Octadecen-1-ol, (9Z)-…
AGAINST DISEASE The Impact of Hygiene and Cleanliness on Health The Soap and Detergent Association AG AIN ST D ISEA SE T h e Im p a ct o f H ygien e a n d C lea n lin ess o n H ea lth A iello/Larson/Sedlak The Soap and Detergent Association �� © 2006 The Soap and Detergent Association ��� © 2006 The Soap and Detergent Association AGAINST DISEASE The Impact of Hygiene and Cleanliness on Health Allison E. Aiello, PhD, MS, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology…
May 22, 2020 Sent Electronically CDR Chad Dowell Deputy Associate Director for Emergency Preparedness and Response Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ms. Sherri A McGarry Senior Health Scientist, CDC Liaison Food Safety Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dear CDR Dowell and Ms. McGarry: As the collective organizations representing the food, agriculture and consumer packaged goods (CPG) supply chain, we…
In honor of National Safety Month, the American Cleaning Institute issues national call-to-action on safe cleaning and laundry product storage Two recent polls from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) find while Americans are using more cleaning products due to COVID-19, the majority do not consistently store cleaning products safely. During National Safety Month, there is an…
FIELD REPORT FOR SURFACTANT SAMPLING AND HABITAT SURVEYS OF THE TRINITY RIVER IN DALLAS, TEXAS Prepared for The Soap and Detergent Association 1500 K Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Prepared by EA Engineering, Science, & Technology, Inc. 15 Loveton Circle Sparks, Maryland 21152 and University of North Texas Institute for Applied Sciences P.O. Box 310559 Denton, TX 76203 DECEMBER 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION…
Sorting it Out The space age has entered today's wash-a-day world. Just sort and pretreat your laundry ... touch the right buttons or dials on your washer and dryer ... match up the wash loads to the right laundry products ... then walk away - and let your laundry problems wash away! All it takes is the know-how of sorting it all out, and that's exactly what this information is all about. Let it help you get clean results -…
Cleaning technology has come a long way from the ancient Babylonian way of soap-making. Today’s cleaning products are the result of thoughtful design, experimentation, and safety testing.  The machines we use to clean have also improved, becoming more sustainable and friendly for our environment. So far we have been able to make new cleaning products that allow us to wash in cold water (saving energy from water heating), wash with…
1 1 1 i I j j : 1 COMPILED BY THE GLYCERINE PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION USES OF GLYCERINE T HE unusual combination of properties of glycerine has resulted in its use in a great variety of products and processes. Some of these uses depend on its physical properties such as hygroscopicity, viscosity or high ,boiling point - while others depend on its chemical properties. In many cases it may be a combination of several of its properties, both physical and chemical, which make…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others is to wash our hands. When should you clean your hands? Regular handwashing with soap and running water is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. If soap and water are not available use a hand…