The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1320)

A clean workplace helps contribute to employee health and well-being. Clean Workspace A clean workspace can keep you from organized and efficient as well as keeping you from getting sick. Learn More Clean Hands at Work
ACI Features Safety Programs at the World’s Largest Meeting Dedicated to the Field of Unintentional Childhood Injury Prevention ACI is Platinum Sponsor of #PrevCon2021 The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is joining hundreds of top safety experts and partners virtually at the Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Convention (PrevCon) for a week of conversation focused on preventing unintentional childhood injuries. As the Platinum Sponsor of PrevCon 2021 (July 12…
For spring cleaning, plan your work, then work your plan. You can tackle your spring cleaning checklist quickly, all at once or in smaller chunks of time. Each of the tasks on our list takes just a few minutes, so you can decide how to break it up. Prep for Spring Cleaning Day(s): Inventory your supplies and add what’s missing to your grocery list Make a to-do list for what you want to…
The New York State Supreme Court invalidated the Household Cleansing Product Information Disclosure Program issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conversation (NYSDEC) on the grounds that they did not comply with the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA). The decision came after the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and the Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) filed a lawsuit against NYSDEC for exceeding its…
American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Members Demonstrate Progress Toward Bold, Science-Based Commitments in Case Study Series Online Case Studies Featured on ACI’s Website The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is highlighting how leading companies throughout the cleaning product supply chain are taking action to meet ambitious climate targets. The online case study series, Rising to the 1.5°C Challenge, features stories from…
  Gov. Cuomo Urged to Work for Collaborative, Pragmatic Solution The CEOs of associations representing the household and commercial cleaning product supply chain are urging Governor Andrew Cuomo to prevent the serious consequences of legislation that could effectively take many products off store shelves across the state of New York. The legislation in question (S. 4389B/A. 6295A) is aimed at banning a manufacturing byproduct to…
The U.S. cleaning product industry’s second biennial sustainability report showcases continual adoption of sustainability practices within the cleaning products supply chain. The report details environmental metrics collected from 24 ACI member companies in four key areas: energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water use and solid waste generation, all of which show overall decreases in impact. It also highlights how the ACI and…
Forget about the good old days, when Monday was Laundry Day, ironing was an art form, and Grandma starched the sheets. Today, we're lucky to find time to fit meals in, let alone dedicating hours to caring for our clothes.If you're like most people, your fabric care is done on an "as needed" basis — battling spills, smells, and wrinkles as you prepare to face tomorrow. Thankfully, innovations in fabric care products are keeping pace with our hectic lives.…