Results (588)
Keep kids safe by storing laundry products carefully, paying attention during use and disposing of products properly. For a healthy and safe laundry routine, follow these guidelines each and every day.
Store laundry products carefully for safety.
Keep laundry products out of the reach of children and pets, especially liquid laundry packets.
Remember to keep products in their original container with the original label intact and immediately put them away in a secure location after…
Don’t Let Your Guard Down While Keeping Clean, Advises Safe Kids Worldwide, American Cleaning Institute
COVID-19 cases around the country are on the rise and that trend is expected to continue throughout the holidays. As parents continue to be hypervigilant about keeping their homes as clean as possible during the pandemic, it is likely that there will be an increase in demand for, and use of, household cleaning products, which can lead to an increased poisoning danger for…
It may be the holiday season, but it’s also cold and flu season. Keep illnesses from spreading through holidays into the New Year with these tips, for a cleaner and healthier for you and everyone around you.
Get a Flu Shot. While flu season starts to peak in November, the heaviest months for flu are December through March. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for the antibodies that provide protection against influenza infection to develop in the body. The Centers for Disease Control…
Long-Term Study on Landscape Irrigation Using Household Graywater - Experimental Study
Water Environment Research Foundation
635 Slaters Lane, Suite G-110 n Alexandria, VA 22314-1177
Phone: 571-384-2100 n Fax: 703-299-0742 n Email:
WERF Stock No. 06CTS1CO
Sept. 2012
Long-Term Study on Landscape Irrigation
Using Household Graywater -
Water Reuse
Co-published by
Co-published by
The American Cleaning Institute
The following question was asked of 1,000 adults (447 men and 553 women). The independent consumer research study was completed online by Echo Research February 29-March 4, 2012, on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.
How often, if at all, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
Every year (62%)
Every other year (8%)
Every few years (7%)
Less often than every few years (4…
The following question was asked of 1,000 adults (447 men and 553 women). The independent consumer research study was completed online by Echo Research February 29-March 4, 2012, on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.
How often, if at all, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
Every year (62%)
Every other year (8%)
Every few years (7%)
Less often than every few years (4…
To minimize your chances of getting the flu from sick co-workers, students or fellow commuters, make sure you practice proper handwashing habits.
While you can't control every germ in your environment, there are actions you can take to help keep you and your family from getting sick. Be particularly vigilant during the fall and winter months, when colds and flu are at their peak.
Here are some important steps:
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread…
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This booklet has been compiled for the convenience of chem-
ists, manufacturers, and others who may wish to investi-
gate the possibilities of glycerine in their production prob-
lems or to study its wider applications. The list of uses is
numbered continuously so as to serve as a reference in request-
ing information.
Inquiries about any of these uses may…
Washington, D.C. – November 13, 2018 – On average, Americans spend approximately six hours per week cleaning their homes, with more than a quarter (28 percent) spending over seven hours straightening up. However, roughly a third of us are concerned if it’s enough and if we’re cleaning correctly, according to survey results compiled by the American Cleaning Institute.
2018 ACI National Cleaning Survey Stats on Cleaning Habits:
Food Handler Antiseptic Drug Products for
Over-the-Counter Human Use
Request for Data and Information
Docket No. FDA-2018-N-3458
Submitted by:
American Cleaning Institute
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
Division of Dockets Management (HFA–305)
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061
Rockville, MD 20852
Re: Food Handler Antiseptic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use;
Request for Data and Information; Docket No. FDA–…